Busy Bee
A meeting, A talk and taking some time to goof off . I was organizing the projects when I hit a road block, when most of the files that is needed to fix the website is with me, cluttered and messed up in my computer. So I spent most of the day, organizing files and writing out an outline. I'm getting nervous about the organizational part. There are certain bureaucratic challenges that I am anticipating and are coming up suddenly. One is that the expected price for the photoshoot is really expensive and the only way to ensure the quality is if I was there on site with the photographer to manage it. 2nd is I'm not getting the reports that should be going through me to make the job easier. I know I may threaten some jobs but knowing the situation, I'm not threatening them I'm actually saving them because the higher ups wanted to down size them, I just want to make them more productive and have the paper trail to prove it. 3rd I really want to work on ORGS, but that is just...