Secularists Falling

True Non-Believers. There are those who doubt the church, but are on the fence only until something really bad happens to them or they fear for something very good in their life. In which case the convert back. Now, these doubters aren't true agnostics, atheists or secularists, they are just doubters.

My mother had a prayer that I do not suffer what the doubters do and only then turn back to god. Personally I find that thought terribly disgusting and totally against my nature. It is like the person doesn't know me at all, just like a perfect stranger only to be looked at suspiciously until proven harmless or helpful.

Some men who claim to be men of reason, falling for this kind of trap throws a cold wet splash on my hopes of retreating ignorance. When such men, who are so learned, give up their nature to fear is only too human... but being too human is what causes us to suffer, inflict others with prejudice, being enthralled by the mob, and stops us from thinking. When we fail to think, to take a step back and look at what we are doing and to what end, that is when fear has conquered us.

Fear is a very human thing, in secularist point of view its quite natural to give people acting out of fear some free room. Although, one is expected to find one self again and act in a rational and calculated manner. We all have our own priorities: family, personal happiness of any form, reward and security. We do not give up any of these in secularist pursuit, in fact we embrace this and try to find a rational means by which all of us can live with this together.

A community that understands that these priorities and act in a rational manner can survive far better than those who live on hope and the irrational leadership. This community will be adaptable, diplomatic, calculating, efficient and most importantly: aware of the role it will have to play when everyone is reduced to animal panic.

Pray... pray all you want. Fat lot is reinforcing ignorance, blind fear, and bad judgement is going to do anyone. Praying is thinking of a greater power to handle things out of one's control, instead of acting on things within in our control like our perception, advantages, limits, weakness, failings and strengths. Prayer and Worry are both useless acts, you might as well wish or hope for the same things because at least you do not get carried away on having to depend on such a fickle variable as a deity.

I live in a country and in a people that will be scandalized if I choose to not circumcise or baptize my children. Even if their own church admitted that the innocents go to heaven, when for centuries they have claimed that the innocents of infidels and unbaptized children are sent to eternal limbo. they don't even know their own theology and they already inflict their ignorance in the way this country is run and my loved ones and me.

I know I can sound like a preacher some times, if not too often. Although, these things bother me and this is a place for me to organize my thoughts and explain Why I think it is wrong. Normally, my outspoken-ness and even my insistence to talk about these things are met with stubborn insistence without verifiable evidence. It eats at me why I cant say a thing and I'm relieved that I can rant, in this blog. No matter how petty it may be... At least here, I have a remote chance of finding some one who will agree.

Looking for a choir to preach is not a bad thing, when you consider that no one else will listen. That is the Irony of respecting the beliefs of others, you cannot say a thing against their belief but it has to come out, because the even one's reasons needs to keep fed. That passions is a good thing, the mind is the only thing that has the strength to be rigid or flexible when needed. Versatility comes from the will to shape one's own mind, something a very cold and rational mind will need when great challenges arise.


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