Go where you are appreciated

I think Filipinos should consider moving to Sweden instead of trying to get into the united states. I bet very grateful and hospitable Filipino immigrants would counter balance the highly suspicious other immigrants. Filipinos have one advantage to being a "weak" culture (weak in the sense that we cannot influence non-filipinos about our culture and we take on other cultures quite easily) and being very hospitable.

To think that a country might want us, who will give us a chance and we would be so happy to work with them, is a dream to many filipinos. I know its cold there but personally, I'd rather there than over here. The concept of nation is blurring in this information age, we are more connected than before and we should consider being people first: race and nation second. As a people, filipinos who are very industrious, hard working, innovative and productive should consider going to sweden and contribute to there.

Think about it, sure this was your family's home, but like so many other filipinos who have migrated and work as OFWs, and the fact that filipinos are second class citizens in their own country, this kind of chance is a god-send.

Of course filipinos will asianise sweden a lot. They will also rub poorly against the muslim population- well depending on the generation or where they are from. Overall you cannot believe how hard working filipinos are even they think there is little better to hope for. I think filipinos deserve a better country, a better life and a better chance than what they get here now. We know that we can't change the oligarchs and the Hispanic and American Cultural Imperialism is still very strong in the ruling class. We know that changing status quo is next to impossible, but in a country that wants us and is open to have us and we are very gratful to be there, to work with them and to improve their own then why are we even having a second thought.

Although realistically, it would be better to contribute what they need so far. Given that piece of news about accepting 1 million muslim immigrants, the filipinos are left with the sad reality that they were beaten to the punch even if they would be even more gratefull and helpful to be part of their country. To think, we are the more westernized of the asians.

Sayang! ("What a waste!")


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