Mental Hyperdrive

Obsessing. Well I've been obsessing over the same book the past few weeks. This time, its become so uncanny that I've begun to start contemplating the next chapters before I've even started to read them. I love how the book is organized, the very fundamentals I've been mastering happens to guide me to a number of questions that happens to be answered in the next chapter.

Anyway, I have a very busy week planned. Well... mostly planned. I have still to be flexible considering what other opportunities might arise. I've chuck full of ideas for my blogs and i full to bursting. ideas that have to be, refined a bit. Actually, I have a couple of drafts that didn't make it to the publishing simply cause I felt they were too vague and were not clear enough to sound simple and not to sound too theoretical.

I've written about courtiers simply cause I was in a rut developing templates and got tired having to make up stats for them that continue to shift and change. I instead decided to describe them as what my readings suggested and described about them. This way, any game system can adopt it and its harder to just "fudge" the skills needed to make such a character.

I've noticed how much templates change pretty much over time with me. I've never stopped long enough to wonder what has changed when I come up with a new template. Its a waste of effort to keep rewriting a template. When I started asking the "role" question, I simplified a lot of things about describing a character. I thought, why not apply that to character archetypes. That is when i got the idea to tackle the most elusive, misrepresented and mostly disliked character arche-type: the Courtier.

Interestingly, to understand a courtier is to understand the real world and how power brokers provide a valuable service in it. Looking at the simple but cunning way business is done in the Philippines it is easy to spot what the many different kinds of power brokers.

Other thoughts: Why is business school mostly academic and just handful of practical experience
and not more about character building like a Military Academy? Why just rigid memorization of speculative theory instead of developing a command presence, initiative, adaptability, critical thinking, leadership, and management and their many different style variations? I feel that it should be more about developing Character then giving them the weapons by which to conquer.


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