To not Reply


I understand this is a post apoc game in gurps set in a post revolution philippines.

I'm sorry but I am not inclined to play. No reflection on your part as a GM but the problem is with me. I am really caught up in reality these days and my idea of an RPG escape is a simple d&d escapist fantasy game. i'm still burned out with gurps.

another thing is that i cannot game in a philippines that is going thru a death spiral. being a parent and husband with a family and spouse to look out for, such a game is too close to reality and too depressing. reality IS already that close everytime to this happening and fantasizing about it is well, not entertainment to me. it wont make me feel good contemplating this as i have nightmares of this happening. if it does happen, i'm taking my family out of the country immediately and let the pols kill off the lumpen masses and vice versa.

sorry, i'm just not in the mood for this kind of stuff. too close to home. depressing.

good luck in your game and have fun.

Hi ******,

Sorry to hear that. I don't really believe in the 2012 apocalypse. Have you heard of the 7th day Adventists? Their religion was founded on the repeated failure to anticipate the Apocalypse since 1860s. Then there is the principle in economics where people overreact or under react to what they expect to happen.

I noticed everyone who isn't benefiting in the status quo and at a comfortable level of wealth seems to be preaching of this day of reckoning. I've been learning the sociological side of world building and I've found my reading tell a very different story of what's happening these days.

I may be a bit cold about this, but it seems like people take a lot of consolation in this day of reckoning. Its like all the powerlessness they have felt over their lives can be finally justified by one deific cataclysm.

Some of the guys can't stop talking about it and frankly it pisses me off and I can't say a thing about it because no one will believe me. I'm sorry but one cannot talk about karma and reason when the person must understand that religious beliefs have no place in logical assumptions. I know the experience card very well although I don't think its a card to play when infectious mass panic is a factor.

Dude, your a very reasonable man and you know how this kind of talk makes it easier to control and influence people. Its fear mongering and its a way to make people feel better about their lot in life. Most importantly, it stops people from thinking straight.

Personally, my personal agenda in this game is to make people think logically. I'm kinda fed up by the way people are acting on information they cannot verify, all these speculation and assumptions, about the complete disregard of cold calculated reasoning.

I know I cannot convince anyone in this mindset that this won't happen but I can very well talk about identifying the elements that makes people want to believe it (Like the matter that it is such sweet comfort to think that happiness is beyond their control). I understand from my talks with some of the guys about the careful balance of things we can control and the things we can't. Still, our judgment is something we still can control and acting on such dubious information, despite how much it feels right is a strategic error.

I don't believe in the 2012 scenario, but this is a game the guys are crazy about. Fortunately its in my own terms. I don't have idealistic expectations that angels and demons will come or that karma will set things "right" (By right karma is going to kill innocents as well as non-innocents even when the population statistics say that the only powerful people-which is the cause of suffering- occupy less than 0.01% of the population), I just work with reason. I believe the most adaptable will survive and not the most “prepared” (when you define prepared as spiritually and materially invested in the end). Waiting for the end of days is not the same as living it. Strangely people have this notion that “blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth” thing means that their Religion of Non-temporal reward will reward them while they are a live.

Identify the problem, there is no use worrying about something unidentifiable. Aliens can exist but only scientologists lose sleep over them. If it is not something identifiable, not something you can acting immediately on, not something provable beyond reasonable doubt then why should it be a problem.

This is my real reply but I've learned that people don't want to listen to something contrary to their expectations. So I've learned to shut up very well (and thankfully have a nice place to air it) thanks to this blog.


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