Timeless Truths

Online Piracy. "If its not an enforcable system then change the system." Since you cannot enforce the protection of IP from piracy without taking away the right to privacy then: change the system.

Change the System. From Sun Tzu, Bruce Lee and to Harvard Business school, the same basic principle can be found in any winning strategy: The most definite solution to an obstacle is by adapting to it. Changing not just a little bit, but making sure you are able to keep intact all your inherent advantages, strengths and efficiency.

Apply this to IP based money making., bitching about lost revenue to Piracy is just complaining about the weather (about the world should to suit themselves). A successful strategy is adapting to how the world works. Things are not simple anymore and there are many techniques, methodologies, bodies of knowledge, and ways to "skin a cat". This is even more important now that it is a GLOBAL market: One cannot just enter a foreign market and expect it to adapt to them. The winners are those who can adapt and make these adaptations their own and their strengths.

The Argument of Law. Secularism is about understanding nature and finding a way to work with it. This has a powerful infuence in how I view Law. Law has a purpose to keep checks and balances. It becomes something else when you look at it as a way to legitimise any action. In plain speak, the law has just become an excuse, instead of a way to protect basic rights. You can bend it, manipulate it, and make it dance crazy with enough resources and power. This is even more plainly seen in countries like the Philippines and others who fall far in the International Transparancy Ratings.

A developed worlds law are great, especially since when they are enforced it is regardless of the level of power of those who are tangled up in it. Instead it is about who: infringed in the rights and freedomes of the other.

But in places like the Philippines, it is just a tool that can be maniplated by those with the resources to do so. If you ask a person in a developing or emerging market: "Is Respect for the Law the same as Personal Integrity?" they would have a different answer to those who have seen the Law work as it should in their own country.

I'm not asking the law to change, keeping true to my initial statement, i'm just saying that maybe people could look at their own circumstance and proceed to act on the situation based on the real priorites.

"If the Law cannot be enforced, then that law doesnt exist". I don't remember where I heard this or If I just natural came to this from the mastery fundamentals; but this is one of the truest things about man made laws.

If you cannot control Piracy, work around it. Develop your plan not by assuming people that everyone expects the law, but what is certain and can be proven. I just repeated myself over there: act on what you can percieve and prove then what you can assume is like one of the basis of logical thought right?

Anyway. Ignorance and Delusion are still one of the most powerful forces influencing humanity and I'm glad many other people cannot see the truth because I'd want to take advantage of it before they get any wiser.

Enlightening others is not in my mantra anymore, to ask others to change is slowly leaving it. I like the Idea of helping others succeed and all that socialist ideals, but once you master the status quo, why throw it out the window? I'm not thinking of ideals, shared hopes and dreams, but... why would someone give something to people who don't want it.

People like money, people like things. Do people want fullfilment, satisfaction, security, sanity...? Like that cheating video in TED that I liked to: the number of steps removed something is from the truth diminish the ability to see it. In Secularism, you cannot infringe on the beliefs of others unless they compromise your own freedom and your freedom to practice what you believe.


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