Doing some Gaming For Work

I'm supposed to write about the particular department I'm in and what I think about it. As a single-minded Gamer, I'm actually using my Role, Background, and Proficiencies outline when talking about the Department. These three critical elements actually flesh out quite clearly and simply any abstract or blurry Job or Department description. I've already made the point by point outline and will flesh out the differences of how each rendundant topic is discussed in the RBP outline. After that, I'll probably edit it a bit and post it in game in the brain to sate any curiousities in how I'm gonna pull this off.

I'm really one track, all my strategies simply fall in one very obvious dominant strategy based on my strengths and interests. It's pretty saddening because, I have a better chance doing the SDS project than developing a Game/Simulations/Visualization Company.

Given my skills, it would be very hard to find someone who I can afford or partner up reliably who also has the same motivated and proper background to work on this project. The people who I can access are with the easy and non-critical skills. I've been considering learning C++, but seeing accounting in my future and of course all those course studies for entrepreneurship I've filled up all my slots. I really have to depend on my "Intelligence Gathering" in order to remove the uncertain elements, which is very indirect and thus inaccurate.


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