Its a Game

RHB. Not meaning to sound so alien, but keeping and enforcing one's rights is one of the most commonly played games of power in the world. Its a zero-sum or constant sum game. When someone gets the advantage, the other suffers. The Church is thinking and reacting entity, don't think its just the priests but many laypersons also derive power through the church. Through authority, positive association, most of the time the legitimacy of their actions. It may not sound that I'm serious given that I'm looking at it in a game's perspective, but if you've followed this blog long enough you know I take rights and freedomes seriously.

First, consider why there has not been any success despite the overwhelming majority for RHB. Consider a similar situation, but one that has even reached violent protest: Afagan Women protesting against Taliban laws to remove their rights. If you read the article, you'll hear the chuch or the Imams claiming superiorty and the stupidty of the other party. If you've followed the RHB, bishops were decalring on air that filipinos who believe in this are stupid. Consider that these remarks should push power towards those being violated or their rights attacked, its isnt. This is because, the greatest power of all, relies on the Church to legitimize their power and without the church things will destabilize.

Certainly one begins to realize that there is a cooperation between church and state, and in order too keep a valuable ally the Politicos will conceed a law that will not affect their personal life. Seculars and Religous, always underestimate the infuence of respective religions. As one friend put it: "its better to sleep with the devil you know, then a devil you dont.", well that proverb is good in one kind of game, but in life we learn we can change the game we ar playing. Specifically one where we have power.

In this country and in others, there are circumstances which trap us. This current Game these people are playing is getting old. There are more strategic aveneues that the Victims can target to play the game in their own terms. In game theory to life, we learn of the different games and how to identify factors, but more importantly in life and the infinit possibilities there are many games and different variations of games to play- we are not stuck playing the same old game.

Now what this game is, or how we shift the board slightly that they don't know we're playing another game is something best left to the RHB activists and some gamers to consider.

Before I end consider this: remove the church in the game: "affairs of state" and you remove the one making you play this crappy game.


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