
Showing posts from June, 2007


Work . Argg... Everything looks wrong. The perspective to the proportions. I can't stand it. I need more references I need more things to look at. I really lost my groove when i went abroad. :( oh well, might as well take it up the ass and get on with it. Planning to get that mod, that allows the printer to have x12 more ink per cartridge. Our printer sucks and I need more references i can hold, not to mention my own printing leisures. Books I want for myself . Got The Medieval one, they didn't have anything that was in the 5th to 10th century. It was annoying. there was a 500 year gap they didn't tackle. :( Now this is an awesome philippine campaign. I hope they tell it right tho. Hard to get but very useful to convert into a campaign book. Thankfully it was made during the late 6th century, only a few decades after my favorite era.


San Juan day . Thankfully Elvin warned me about locking my doors. There was two instances where people actually tried to open them to wet us with water. One guy blocked our way just to spray us. A little malice was involved to get out of their system. They did Piss me off by blocking the way to Lola's and I couldnt get breakfast or see her. Civilization 4: Warlords . Ware begets war, Because i play Alexander and Greece to get as close as I can to Byzantium. In hindsight, maybe I could rename my warlord to Belisarius. War is annoying and can drag on forever. There should be a deadline or a plan on how to win technologies by bullying weaker countries. Anyway at Noble Difficulty and Average Speed, I was able to bring Egypt, China and the Ottoman Empire as my Vassal states! Whohoo! Byzantium's destroyer was now its lackey. Given the brilliance of a the Generals of Byzantium Like Belisarius. I think it would have been possible for the Real Byzantium to modify its economy to gear it ...


Cheap Medieval Minatiures !!! P335 a set of 48 pieces. Freaking Excited. The Late Roman Empire Ones will be twice more expensive because I will have to special order it BUT that still amounts to P16 per FIGURINE!!! Thants 30x CHEAPER than Warhammer mini's. which is P500 for blister! Charles . I forgot about the bygon chalk I'll try that. Soy milk has fiber!? well i'm sure just soluble fiber.

Making Deadlines for Myself.

1st step to being more productive: DEADLINES and sticking to it. Posting this will shame me from slacking off . Just got home from abroad and fixing up my sched, but I'm excited to say that I'm slowly but surely working on my own gurps contribution as my pet project and part of my graphic portfolio. Design consideration . -A setting Lighter than Banestorm, heavily combat oriented, a historical setting since 3rd ed, higher ART ratio than traditional gurps books. -for Newbies and Educational (not wordy). -Cutting down the amount of options of ease of use. -A lot of page references to help breeze through the use of Basic Set. -Using "unofficial" armor weights based on the armor sets from research sources (will cite in bibliography). Whats been done so far . - A 6 page comic that introduces the reader to the State of the Empire at 527AD and... Progress: inking in progress 10% so far - ...A 12 page comic explaining GURPS combat . Progress: script done, first 6 page...

Home, finally

Readjustment . Now its getting back to the groove, looking for some part time work and working on my portfolio. Ideas . Jogging this morning, planning to TRY to maintain a habit of excersize to off-set my sedentary work situation (sitting all day in front of the computer). I heard once around greenhills inner parameter is a km, not that sure, will check it out one of these days with the car's odometer(?). So many things to sort out and prioritize. My game, my books, my works, my research, my Ideas, my solutions and my schedule. Stuff . Although, now that I'm back home there are alot of things to fix. The pest problem in the condo: ants, fiber and food problem (a broken fridge and minimizing eating clean up), and catharsis. Catharsis . Since I can't find other gamers these days maybe I should play Age of Conan... naahhh. Anyway, there is Civ 4, warlords. And possibly a game. There is a game on Friday night and Saturday 1-6pm. I'm going. Kathy . thanks kath, hope you guys...

For the Sake of My Sanity

I should prevent any conversation with my parents EVER . It will save us all pain. If my mom ever wonders why its very hard to talk to me, I'm sure telling me my reasoning is wrong ever since I was a kid would have something to do with it. Even if my friends and my teachers think I am a very reasonable man, my mother will just POISON the well by always saying I have no reasoning ability. Sigh. Try to grow up without having some MAJOR issues in self confidence and my personal image. And of course, its a viscous cycle, because with every failure comes "I TOld you so's" and Rubbing it to my face. Everyone has demons, mine is my folks. All I can do to live a good life it to be a total jerk and blow them off. ITs easier for everyone, less argument, less hassle and less anxiety. I want to stop blaming them , and the best way is by never seeing them and making my own decisions without ther interference and "I-told-you-so's" and "In-your-face". Sometim...


the byzantine empire . found this interesting youtube of byzantine empire. The second one . Kinda like what I do when I play mount and blade. usually I just take on small force of around 80+ of dark knights. If I have the time, tell my army to wait and fight them with horse Archery killing them one by one till I run out of arrows. I keep repeating till they are small enough for me to crush with my force. Something like this video.

Excited Going Home

Looking up the Conan Soundtrack . Perfect mood music for several other campaigns I could run. Bored so I'm looking through Youtube, but nothing clicks. I just want to go home and be with my wife. Restless . The more you want something the slower time seems to be moving. My life was put on hold because of something I really don't want. Dad getting pissed about me choosing to live in the Philippines and independent is what colored my decision. NOw learning from my mistake, Its my fucking life. If they want a piece of it, they will have to FIGHT ME to get it. ITs a month, and a long time. My parent's marriage sucks and they have almost nothing to TEACH me in being a good husband, father or man. Strangely I learned it mostly through my friends, their mistakes and my own experience. They can go fuck themselves. Once I'm back home . I can go on with my life. Do what I can to maintain and improve our means and just just go on without the anguish they make me feel. I'm a be...

Next Big Pop Star began in YouTube

something my wife would be blogging about. But I can't help it, looking at everything everyone is gonna say the same thing about this girl. I'd like to just be on record.

Mount and Blade

Mount and blade .what I've been raving about for a while now. Its focused on mounted combat and has alot of interesting stuff in it. The third one is a mod for napoleanic war. One of my ideas is to make a Mahadlika game that combines the elements of this game, Age of Conan's Hyborean Sim Cit-esque capabilities, and Sid Meier's pirates into one Philippine game. Intrigue, War, Very subtle magic, Combat, Civics and Diplomacy in the Philippine archipelago. Daydreams . I've gotten pretty far in the game. I have two castles and over 1000 ELITE men. Learning a bit of the Strategikon and Vegetius has augmented my ability to run WAR campaigns. I know a bit about the logistics and I know how the military structure works. I'm 28, a bit too old to go to war especially bec. of my physical disposition but in a yankee in camelot senario I'd be an asset. Sometimes I day dream about Mahadlika or Byzantium. If I met Bonifacio or Emperor Justinian I would know how to augment their...

Inspired by the Age of Conan

love the grim and gritty . If it didn't eat away at life, I'd play Age of Conan at a heartbeat. I'd rather still play RPGs still, its more controllable and enlightening. Unless of course I can't find any players :( It motivates me to work on my 3d modelings skills. I hope I can self teach myself. It would be nice since I can draw Ok ,write kind'a good, work in the game designed aspect, knowledgable with a lot of unusual fields (like I almost know how to run a ancient-medieval army, train troops, develop stratagems, and know a lot of underhanded tactics used war) that are useful in game development, as well as dealing with players. I guess I'd have to really work on 3d max skills. notice how most of it are low powered and realistic games not a fantasy wet dream :P


Can't wait to be home . Can't wait to go home. Will be leaving monday morning for the airport. 10 hours to get there, just in case anything happens. I will be taking the bus and the train there. Lessons . never go to the states ever again. never talk to my folks. very glad of what I have.

Habits Just got worse.

habits that just get worse . Age and Predictability. I know where certain things are going, not with certainty but the signs are definitely there. I know I'm gonna be a hard ass frugal old person who would grumble about the wisdom of a given course of action when. But I'm ok with that. Being a hard ass is not so bad, being a dick isn't so bad either, but being a useless and a slob is. I learned the lessons from the mistakes of my elders. The stories of how an uncle got overconfident and careless, how another uncle can't see anything beyond his own needs, how a marriage failed, and how one may appear ok is but a hollow mess. Everytime i here such a tale, it makes me think twice about my own decisions and my own path. I admit a lot of things, even my backstabbing side. There is no excuse with that, I know better, but I still do it. but in this circumstance I don't regret it. I can't win an argument, I'm not witty and fast thinking to bring up faults or mistake...

Growing Resentment

working on the backyard . we broke the power raker as we struggled with the uneven grass and tufts. Gaspar cut himself a bit and it confirmed my fears of possibly injuring myself handling heavy machinery i am not used to/ or have no idea how to use. I have about $140 left from my own money. Gaspar and I agreed to share the expense of using professionals. Our father who happens to We have a very poor opinion off was the one who had the IDEA it was easy. Dad never thought things through and always had someone else cover for him. Its embarrassing to be born from such a incompetent man. Anyway. like I've said before about my parents as employers, i never really liked how they and MANY Filipino Employers take labor for granted. I have no business correcting my parents, as a "good" son shouldn't but It doesn't stop my from criticizing a particular elitist mindset that doesn't help the FILIPINO problem. Its an archaic and FEUDAL mindset. Anyway, Dad has the reasoning...


Affirmation . Its odd that coming Philippine Independence Day, handful people have come to say they like what i do. My Dark Ages Random Character Generator has been lauded by my gamer peers, of course my art has gotten some little attention, but remarkably my Prickly Opinions and Insight into the Philippines has made me friends and new acquaintances. I'm still working on one of my bigger works: the GURPS: Byzantine prelude to the Gothic War booklet. Its its steadily on its way despite not having an editor and being my own artist, game designer, and writer. It reminds me of the discussion with my prof "you can do every part of it, why do you need those guys*."-Sir Elvert, "cause its impractical of me to do it by myself when distributing the labors would make it go faster and more efficiently"-me *other thesis guys. Still my pros told me to do it on my own. He was very happy with the result, me to, but of course I still had help from Rick, Nico and Thomas. I un...

Holy SHIT!!!

Someone wants to buy a print of my Spathatoi drawing. HOLY SHIT! It just happened when I posted it on my deviant account, minutes later there was a message. Someone wanted a print, but since i didn't set the print options, i had to go back and edit out the crap i was too tired to fix. Grammar, punctuation and Game rules shit. Holy crap! :))

Pales to compare

I know mine pales to compare to that crusader sculpture but I was still a good effort. I'm really a black and white artist. I really suck eggs in color. At least I did something... although i wish I was home running games, which would help me get into drawing a little bit more. Imaginary games got me into drawing, it will be my bread and butter. Bought a book for $14 or P700 ish pesos Battles of the Medieval World 1000-1500: From Hastings to Constantinople (Hardcover) Its nice, although I had to make a choice between that or the Ancient world. My practical decision was in the fact that more people are interested in the medieval world than the Dark Ages and I don't know alot about the middle ages compared to Ancient Era.

If a He can do it, what more us NOW.

Of all the criticism . About the Philippines, you have two heroes to look at: Rizal and Bonifacio. With rizal and the Noli and El Fili, you got a whiner. Yes, I said whiner. He bitched about it. Did he do anything? Yeah he published it and now everyone felt WORSE about the Philippines. A poetic and educated writer, but a whiner if you ask me. But in Bonifacio, you have ACTION. Screw the whiners, you have a ton of them they can be as educated and as wealthy as you want but they won't do anything to fix the situation. IF you whining then your wasting breath better spent on helping people. Yes, even with all the Geniuses there are in the Philippines, self-claimed or honored all they boil down to are a bunch of whiners, unless they act. With all the foreign education and all the books they can read... none of them can hold a candle to what ONE poor starving UNEDUCATED man from tondo did. We are defined by our heroes. Rizal the Rich, Bonifacio the Poor. Today, when ever people bitch ab...


Kuya Allan asked if I wanted to hang out . I said of course. Anyway, on other things. One Mystery . I guess the only mystery I've ever solved by myself and worth telling is the Lapu Lapu incident. Basically, finding about the force opposing Magellan at the time. I learned after that, that in history when fighting "great" odds, they would always exagerate by 3s. So they would say 100,000 and they would really mean 30,000. Or they would say 10,000 but would really have fought 3000. In case of lapulapu, the exaggeration (Cause they lost) was at 30x or more. I don't know where I'm going. Its almost 10 years since the year I graduated and I don't know where I am or how certain I am, that I'm headed where I want to go. The best I can do is go. anyway, will be off to Kuya Allans and don't know when i'll be back.


Moving on . Well all has been said and done. Its just time to move on, have to leave around jun 18 for the bus to the airport. Pretty Much done with this part of my life. Just can't wait to go home to my wife and work. This chapter is at a certain end, thankfully I'll be moving to leave it soon. Spending the Money vs. Saving . Chat and I are wondering if we should buy a Wii. But plans to move away from my family is a certainty that is easier with money saved up. I'm done with it all, I should be on my way. My wife was the first concerned about the meaning of my parents having their name to the unit, now, with my deteriorating relationship with my parents. Its better to save up and move on. People who I can't talk to without voices raised . Its better to just to leave than stay. There is really no point when both sides won't listen (and I'm also talking about my own side). There is a level of patience that has worn thin and the family is not really strong. Choice...


Going home . When my cousin Renel said the house was a mess. he wasn't exaggerating. Only Gasper maintains it. even if the house holds 3 without little sister. I'm telling him to move, go back to the Philippines. No body deserves to be treated the way he is, and not to mention he will be much taken care off back home. Talking to Maria .The hair dresser in jersey city just beside the house, she was right to state it was worth fighting my parents every day and night to let me go home. Looking where i am here, which I consider a prison, nothing to do and none of my tools or friends are here. The choice keeps getting wiser and wiser. I feel sad for Gaspar, all he needs to do is fight for it. Even if mom and dad gets pissed off. Happiness is worth it. Get out of that house, he can more than take care of himself (he takes care of other people already). Not to mention friends waiting at home.

Two Worlds: Long Discussion.

Long discussion . Archer and my Uncles and Aunts. Archer wants to live in the Phils, despite growing up in the states. My Tios and Tias believe it only gets worse back home. Two opposite views, where I was kinda pushed in the middle of discussion. There was Archer who wanted to live in Davao, saved up money to buy property on a calm and beautiful cove and sees so much potential, not to become rich, but to live well. There are my tio, who have left everything to carve a life out of America. I know how they feel, and thinking back home has no hope makes the decision much easier. But in the discussions (that overwhelming went for four hours). I found myself defending and re-affirming my decision to stay with my wife,and fight for my home. Its all about happiness and what we all believe in. The Philippines Doing Well ..Despite all the hardships they sensationalize in the Philippine TV channels here in the states, we never hear the good news. Is there proof? Depends who you ask. In all my r...
Kathy . thanks for the support. We're kind of in a limbo now until I get back. We miss you guys too, its been a long while since the last time we hung out. Gaming . Ho hum, maybe i should draw what i make. better get back to learning how to draw with pencil.

Something worth Posting about: again.

My mom riding my ass on living in a country i don't believe in . If GOD wanted me to live in america and become american then he should have made me white and midwestern. Its our life and they keep saying its for our betters... well IF ITS GOING TO BE our BETTERS then IT should be OUR decisions. Its not even about prooving them otherwise. What? are born to perform for them? is prooving them wrong what life is about. Its about the freaking pursuit of happiness. My wife and I will stay in the philippines. We will do what we need to make ends meet and live a good life. They can go jump of a cliff for all i care. Honestly. after getting back from here. I'll never talk to my folks unless forced/or required. I'll not ever have dinner with them for the rest of the year. Just the thought of my mom and her freaking whinning Pisses me off and puts me in so much pain and anguish. its not worth it. It must be pretty evident for everyone who knows me how much it "damages" my c...

Geek Speak: Horses and Economics

Whats makes a total geek . Discussing the price and how common horses were in history contrary to Popular Fantasy. Kinda fighting against popular fantasy a bit. Misinformation in details affect the decisions in bigger things, thus making several illusions and incorrect analysis. Like the knights and castles the affects of gunpowder to their decline. Its not that simple but understanding it, makes the rest of the world more understandable: the world being something that is never simple despite how much we strive to make it. Medieval and Ancient Economics tend to bug me right now. It doesnt make sense in the game. Economics affect decisions in many levels: tactical and strategic. The use of certain tactics like cavalry can be offset if horses cost TOO much to produce and maintain. And in strategy, what "advantages" are worth defending or siezing. Anyway, the horse bit is usefull. Now if I can find more about the history of horses in the philippines. That would be VERY usefull. ...