
Affirmation. Its odd that coming Philippine Independence Day, handful people have come to say they like what i do.
My Dark Ages Random Character Generator has been lauded by my gamer peers, of course my art has gotten some little attention, but remarkably my Prickly Opinions and Insight into the Philippines has made me friends and new acquaintances.

I'm still working on one of my bigger works: the GURPS: Byzantine prelude to the Gothic War booklet. Its its steadily on its way despite not having an editor and being my own artist, game designer, and writer. It reminds me of the discussion with my prof

"you can do every part of it, why do you need those guys*."-Sir Elvert,
"cause its impractical of me to do it by myself when distributing the labors would make it go faster and more efficiently"-me

*other thesis guys.

Still my pros told me to do it on my own. He was very happy with the result, me to, but of course I still had help from Rick, Nico and Thomas. I understand what he meant, and my problem with that it will be a long time till people see what I am intending.


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