Geek Speak: Horses and Economics

Whats makes a total geek. Discussing the price and how common horses were in history contrary to Popular Fantasy. Kinda fighting against popular fantasy a bit. Misinformation in details affect the decisions in bigger things, thus making several illusions and incorrect analysis.

Like the knights and castles the affects of gunpowder to their decline. Its not that simple but understanding it, makes the rest of the world more understandable: the world being something that is never simple despite how much we strive to make it.

Medieval and Ancient Economics tend to bug me right now. It doesnt make sense in the game. Economics affect decisions in many levels: tactical and strategic. The use of certain tactics like cavalry can be offset if horses cost TOO much to produce and maintain. And in strategy, what "advantages" are worth defending or siezing.

Anyway, the horse bit is usefull. Now if I can find more about the history of horses in the philippines. That would be VERY usefull. Looking at cagayan valley, I'm surpised there werent more horses in the philppines.


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