If a He can do it, what more us NOW.

Of all the criticism. About the Philippines, you have two heroes to look at: Rizal and Bonifacio. With rizal and the Noli and El Fili, you got a whiner. Yes, I said whiner. He bitched about it. Did he do anything? Yeah he published it and now everyone felt WORSE about the Philippines. A poetic and educated writer, but a whiner if you ask me.

But in Bonifacio, you have ACTION. Screw the whiners, you have a ton of them they can be as educated and as wealthy as you want but they won't do anything to fix the situation. IF you whining then your wasting breath better spent on helping people.

Yes, even with all the Geniuses there are in the Philippines, self-claimed or honored all they boil down to are a bunch of whiners, unless they act. With all the foreign education and all the books they can read... none of them can hold a candle to what ONE poor starving UNEDUCATED man from tondo did.

We are defined by our heroes. Rizal the Rich, Bonifacio the Poor.

Today, when ever people bitch about the Philippines. Whining about the Corruption, The economy, the Class Elitism think about the man who changed everything despite the opinions and the point of view of EVERYONE. And dying by the bolo of a wealthy man.

You can see that there is great reason for the Rich Dynasties to feel guilty. They did not come to Bonifacios aid, in fact they resulted to his death after his actions spelled a new destiny for them and their children.

Same goes for every Filipino who has ever complained and did nothing. And those who do everything, Do they complain, ask those who devout their lives to fight the enemies of the Philippine People, Do those people who sacrifice complain?

If they do they have every right to, cause they work their ass. But most of them won't, because they don't do this out of selfish reasons: they do it for us, for all of us.

And the Philippine Media, aggravating the situation doesn't really help as well. There is no money in Truth, Sensationalism is everywhere and nothing about the GOOD news and Success of those who overcame heroic challenges are heard from.

People will Keep whining. They will bitch and bicker and bullshit, they will do nothing. Just like our "National Hero". Its easy to take a bullet when everyone is watching. But try taking a bolo while watching your brother die with you.

I have nothing against Rizal, but I don't think ALL the Intellectual HYPE about this hero DOES any good to the segregated Elitism that divides the Philippines.

We don't need RIzals, any poetic whiner can be a Rizal. WE NEED BONIFACIOs!


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