
Showing posts from August, 2010

Conflict of Interests

I'm in a puzzle, personally i find it wrong and a strong conflict of interests to sell to people I consider friends or part of my group. One little problem I have with a particular situation I'm in is the conflict of interests in selling to friends to support their hobby. I can understand the costs, but my question is "Why do you have to sell to guys who are joining your group?". Thats where I feel conflicted, and thats what lead one member to try to sell his AEG for profit. When relationships are based one sided personal profit, it becomes a bit problematic. My idea is to, remove this problem. I will do this by creating a way for the merchants to sell their wares, online and thus bring the total cost down through scale and economy. Example. Lets say I have this Canvas Bag with special pockets. Its materials cost Php300 (with a lot of excesses), it requires skilled labor (php15,000) is 2 hours (Php200). Its a simple but a particular design. A number of people in the ...

Game Pix

No particular Order. Full head to toe shot of our load-out. I'm so comfortable in it, I can last 5 hours in gear. From What I learned in Airsoft From What I learned in Airsoft Someone just earned his badge :D From What I learned in Airsoft Before the game began. From What I learned in Airsoft This was after a thrilling 2nd game. Both Juna and I rocked this game. We were so happy about how well we did, I'm sure its pretty visible in our faces. From What I learned in Airsoft

The bigger picture?

I'm curious how this will change things. I mean, will the actions of the Chinese Govt. make for a more accountable government or will all the pressure just affect the the general public more than those whose really had the power to prevent this mess? I don't think they will learn anything or change attitudes with what happened. They maybe more embarrassed than feel somewhat part of the problem enough to do something about it. It doesn't help when the president and his aids make a ton of excuses instead of owning up to mistakes (setting an example). Accusing Enthusiastically is more likely to make people defensive than, than taking the time to consider the situation and making the proper course of action. In the end, what are 8 pointless deaths? We can't even provide swift justice to the Maguindanao Massacre victims. I think the Philippines is so rock bottom that, even if we fall farther nothing will change. We need to earn something, to finally reap some rewards and ch...

List of cognitive biases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of cognitive biases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I keep going back to this list. One realization is that, this List in not just Irrationalities BUT Fallacies. Its like Level 2 of Fallacies, but instead of wording and technicalities, its more psychological. Appreciating this list, and going at each one trying to remember how I tend to do X makes me completely distrust my own mind. Using this tools against myself can really split me in two. Intra-Personal Intelligence is required to Apply these to yourself. Its like a dedicated and separate processing chip used to correct errors in the computer's main decision making center.

Fight against corruption may entail bloodshed -, Philippine News for Filipinos

Fight against corruption may entail bloodshed -, Philippine News for Filipinos : "mocracy is absolutely the best form of government today. The problem is, we don’t have it. If ours were a socialist and communist system of government, we would be in a deeper hole. " *cough*Bullshit*cough* Look at Vietnam and China Demographics and Economic Growth in Gapminder. I'm not pro-communist or socialist. I'm pro-accountability with any means that would work. Democracy works with an educated, informed, and empowered public... the idealism that people confused, deeply conflicted, afraid and powerless make up a good democracy is rather stupid, as would any gall to make such a statement without bringing up particular ass-covering clauses. Why is Japan the economic power in East Asia when they have limited resources? Why is the Philippines the weakest economic power in Southeast Asia when we have an abundance of natural resources? Uuuhh NO! Someone who has never read t...

Gunmen assault, burn bus; 4 killed -, Philippine News for Filipinos

Gunmen assault, burn bus; 4 killed -, Philippine News for Filipinos Pretty much taking advantage of the diminished capacity and the perceived weakness. I think in two months more and more daring assaults will occur. After what happened, destabalizers will be more encouraged to proceed with their plans. Particularly targeting the Capital.

Game in the Brain is not going to be updated

from RPGs I've moved to Airsoft. I guess i'll be back to RPGs when my health doesn't permit me to play it anymore. Looking back, that was a lot of crap I've written. Alot of it so specific and useful only for me. What I learned in Airsoft has more stuff in it and a lot of related skills and insights I can use and exercise. Its not exactly a sudden move. I've not been playing RPGs and the cost of time and opportunity has been too great. Also, now I'm competent enough not to be so frustrated. So I guess I'll be in the hobby for a while, as well as enjoying the other skills and "hobbies" related to it such as Tinkering. I was supposed to have a user ID of tinkerbell in an airsoft forum. My wife was so against it, so I had to change it as tinker-manly-man. I don't really care if people underestimate me or think I'm gay because of the username. Whats wrong with that if I were, right? Anyway, I just wanted something more memorable, different and ...

Corporate psychology: How to tell when your boss is lying | The Economist

Corporate psychology: How to tell when your boss is lying | The Economist Over time in airsoft, I realized the Perception skills my Captain was trying to teach us had something to do with knowing where to expect certain actions and movements. In Counter-Deception training it is very much the same. Over time, when you practice looking and you take actions to investigate or to see how "truthful" the statement is hind-sight and promises are finally tested and things become more consistent. In negotiations, the Deception is how much each is willing to pay. Behavioral Economics and Game Theory help screen for parts of behavior, wording, and how the negotiations are being handled. Now not all deception is bad, you don't want to tell a Merchant how much you are willing to Pay if you have other needs to consider... and especially when there the merchant will give you the highest price you are willing to pay at your loss and his gain. The Perceptive Loss or Cost should be very sim...

I'm a skeptic, but...

But I did dream of this, and I wrote it down somewhere in my notebooks. I meant the repercussions and the hostage crisis. That the world finally has a more Honest view of how screwed up things are in the Philippines (generally speaking).

What I thought of the Hostage Crisis

When something tragically bad happens. Something so stupid, inconsiderate, and dangerous, what appropriate emotion should I be feeling? As a filipino I feel the kind of embarassed and shame reserved only for this kind of situation. My outrage is that, our politicians, police people and others CLEARLY did not handle this as an international crisis on the first instance it should have been. These are clearly foreign tourists, not of the WEST but asia and it is so shamefull that even our government officials didn't do what was neccessary as a HOST to these foreign guests. The president didn't have a good excuse why he didn't communicate with the foreign dignitary who tried to reach him. Basically he snubbed him. The MAYOR, left it to a former-actor vice mayor who has no diplomatic nor organizational ability. The highest echelons of the Police and ALL the resources (ballistic shields, bullet proof vests, tactical weapons and equipment) were not used or at least BORROWED or Comm...

Mexico City mayor sues Guadalajara bishop over gay marriage remarks | La Plaza | Los Angeles Times

Mexico City mayor sues Guadalajara bishop over gay marriage remarks | La Plaza | Los Angeles Times : "The suit comes after Ebrard demanded that Sandoval retract suggestions made over the weekend that Mexico's Supreme Court justices were bribed for their recent landmark rulings in favor of gay marriage and adoption by same-sex couples in the Mexican capital." Actually, the CBCP claiming our politicians are corrupt for supporting RH and Abortion falls in the same category. Next time a Loud mouthed Bishop accuses the RH supporters for corruption without proof then they should Sue the Bishops. Its a slap in the Face and a Realization that these are Men in Dresses who Still need to work within the law and are limited in their Knowledge of what is going on, as much as Everyone else is. Who Told them these people are Corrupt? Did they make the conclusion, then they should be able to prove it.

Business - Scrap rice subsidies, WB tells gov’t -

Business - Scrap rice subsidies, WB tells gov’t - : "Providing direct cash allowance to poor households and requiring their children to be formally educated would be a means to address the long-standing economic problem in the Philippines—the failure of a growing economy to reduce poverty." here you go PNOY some expert economists giving you advice. Please act on it, if you don't know what better to do.

feeling better

I was feverish yesterday. I feel a bit better. That very tired feeling is gone, especially since I slept at 8:30 and just woke up now. I'm reconsidering my Idea of how sleep works. My current hypothesis is that its more mental condition than a physical state, because we burn the same calories while at the same conscious state. One thing I failed to account is that,while asleep we can't exactly control our mental effort so we are not eating up more of the body's resources. which may be needed for getting better. I still think I'm potentially under the weather. So I'll take it easy for today. This afternoon Juna and I will be buying his gun. I've made reservations. After all that hype, the last thing you want is a no-show when we show up to buy it.

Foxconn Holds Rally For Employees

Foxconn Holds Rally For Employees : "Foxconn, owned by the Taiwanese company Hon Hai, has received massive, worldwide criticism for its working conditions that came to light following 12 suicides, and several more failed attempts." Here is a conflict, buy the product cause it employs 300,000 people... or possibly enlsaves them? At 300,000 what are the statical rates of suicides? If its greater than the average per working population, there is a chance it is mostly work conditions... if its lower then focus should be at work places that have a higher suicide rate.

feeling a little underther weather

Its thursday and I'm feeling a bit sick. Its that incling that I'm going to get sick. The best thing I can do is just sleep it all off, drink a lot of fluids, take multi-vitamins, and not push to hard. I think thats the reason I was at 169 last night. Damn after all that work, sabotaged by sickness. Those cankersores were already a sign. Yesterday and this morning I couldn't stand the coldness of the aircon, I kept waking up to how cold it was. Hope I get better by tomorrow. Today is just rest and not pushing too hard. Getting rid of my RPG stuff . Well most of the stuff that I don't need, particularly fluff. Shifting to Airsoft is rather expensive and after cleaning the den I realize how much baggage I carry that I can't even share with my future kid.

Jogged only 3km

Exercise Update . I should stop making interrupted sleep my excuse. Although I don't know how long will it take for me to adapt to it. The first km is always the most painful. I feel out-of-breath when I try to run and my ankles can't seem to hold my weight long enough for a run. I tortured them enough, that I'm not handicapped the rest of the day. Given how "muscle" building works, I will take it easy on them for the day. I think I gained back the 2lbs I so hard fought lost. At 167 (with my fill with water), I think my lower hydration habits were the result of the 165. This time I'm drinking more water. Monday or was it Sunday, I had a bad case of internal hemeroids from the unprecedented bloodiness of the toilet bowl. I admittedly have no fiber in my diet, since there isn't exactly a cheap fast-food source. Sparing the gruesome details, I was shocked and I'm more paranoid of my acidity levels and what I eat. I've stocked up in skyflakes in the ca...

Playing the Role a Step closer

I remember when i first got into airsoft and saw the pics of myself in gear. It was the first time this Role-playing gamer saw himself almost playing his favorite role. I was so thrilled I used the pic as a desktop background for a while. Seeing a friend get that same high, got me thinking again how it all began and why. I feel like how I felt like almost 6 years ago: working out and kicking ass. I was playing soccer with Thomas and we were kicking ass, but there was all these complications in getting a field. I mean, we were willing to pay but there the only places to play soccer were exclusive groups. It frustrated me, especially since I didn't come from any particular "special" group that made me more special than anyone else. I still remember that time I was in ateneo playing when I saw all these wealthy alumni fathers who were playing and their tricked out cars, one was a mazarati. To be told, you can't play cause your not some blue blood. Fuck that! Here in air...

Cost Benefit Analysis: Airsoft vs TTRPGs.

Analyze the Economic Factors and it becomes a bit clear why it works for me. In the end Utility aka Market Forces wins out. The willingness to pay for sentimentality gets really weaker as other opportunities light up. Airsoft TTRPGS Prep-time 2-4hrs 4-10hrs Play Time / Utility 2-3 hrs / B to A+ 4-6hrs / D to A+ Cost Annual average Php23,000 (16,000)* Php 6-8,000** Cross compatibilities Fitness (Cardio, Strength training, Kinesthetics Study, Diet and Nutrition, Improved Vitality Conditioning), Visualization-Spatial Int, Tactics, Strategy, Lesser Sleep Conditioning, Self-Defense, Group Tactics, Leadership, Instruction, Socialization, Body Language, Gesture-Reading, Soldiering, Hiking, Outdoorsmanship, Intelligence Analysis, History, Philosophy, Econ...

Hetalia: Axis Powers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hetalia: Axis Powers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I guess if they are going to make a hetalia character of the Philippines it would be a girl and a work outfit. Of course knowing how insecure and immature the government is, they will be loud and protesting the stereo type. even if OFW are characteristic of the Phils given how poor we are.

It would be better to sleep in the couch

My wife has mixed up sleeping habits because she can't get tired because of her sensitive pregnancy. This impacts my health because I can't sleep when I need too. Last night she kept tossing and turning till 12am (I was awake enough to hear a 12am alarm sound in my wrist watch- don't know how to turn that off). Last time she did that, I slept in the couch and I was able to get enough sleep. I think I just need 7 minimum to have enough willpower to force myself out of bed. Any less and it would be very difficult. From my calculations it seems 6 is the quality of sleep was good, meaning the temperature was not too cold, less than 23C, to start giving me phlem in my lungs and coughing in the morning and not too hot as to not let me sleep deeply. When its too hot I am more of a light sleeper than usual. What I think is too hot is +27C with fan. Our airconditioning has two settings Cold and Fan mode, annoyingly. This is the 3rd time this week I woke up to phlemy cough. Got my 4k...

Philippine-American War, 1899-1902 | by Arnaldo Dumindin

Philippine-American War, 1899-1902 | by Arnaldo Dumindin Its has a lot of pictures. Its inspiring for a GURPS game, lets see some people who can make character who can win this war, survive the political in-fighting, or just survive.

Drugged Sleep

The Benedryl really knocked me out. When my alarm woke me up at 5 my head hurt so bad it was worse than a hangover. I had to take it because the cold air was causing my sinuses to act up. Slept at 11 because one of my night owl friends called. I was already in bed then at 850. Oh well... never again. On the good news I'm at 165lbs at my night time weigh in.

Watching a mind grow

One of the fascinating things I've learned about the mind is how scientists used children's mental development to learn how certain mental functions look like from their earliest stages to their mature and adult stage. Empathy and Self Awareness are one of the things I liked reading about. The classic example is having a kid read you when they don't know the answer and try to make guesses based on your behavior. With the children of my in laws and friends, I like making simple observations based on what they observe and what they do. Like when i was playing with 6mo boy and he just learned to control his legs. The test was simple: reciprocate apply a counter force to that he applies with his legs. Barely able to control his hands, the baby's facial expresson changes when I give the opposing force. He just learned to use his legs and the resistance is a feedback sensation that its working, despite the fact he is lying down. I know it can be confusing for the child to no...

Jogging at 6am in Greenhills

The best time to jog in Greenhills is not 6am. In fact thats when it gets toxic with the number of trucks and cars. Try sprinting to an invisible cloud of car fumes, suck on that with your desperately panting breath. Also, try relaxing when the 2 aerobics groups are blaring their music and competing (2 different social classes: working and the affluent chinese mommies). the best time to exercise there is at 5am when it is still dark and only the most dedicated joggers roam. Not, 5:30, not 5:15 but 5am. that means getting your ass in gear before 5 and being here at 5! Misconceptions with Jogging and Sweating . Basically, when I'm wearing a hydration pack everyone is trying to sweat it all out. Sweating does not equal Healthy Weight loss. In fact, wearing heat suits for additional sweating is counter productive because you could be suffering heat exhaustion and dehydration thinking its GOOD! Guys my age and younger are the ones who are trying to lose weight through water loss. In the...

Accident in the office

There was a kid that was accidentally run over. As much as it should be a shock and emotional thing for some people, I am drawing a blank. Particularly since I'm supposed to be completely neutral and indifferent. heck, statistically shit like this happens all the time. it was a two year old kid running around without supervision, what else can you expect. I mean, if it were me and my own knowledge of accident theory i would have bought or made a harness of my own for it. It may look detached parenting but you can't expect to have 100% attention over a kid every second. Anyway at 2 years old, they're still supposed to still be in their strollers. They would only be around to run around places they can't get hurt so much when they trip.

Observe and Conform

I don't want to sound like an anarchist but how does observe and conform help in keeping an institution accountable. Complaints and conflicts are natural parts of a dynamic and evolving organization. Being able to take criticism is a big deal in a market full of people who would rather ignore. after a while it easy to sort out the constructive and crucial ones from the crap anyway. Didn't have airsoft this week. I have to work out, I'm back to 168!

Criminal -, Philippine News for Filipinos

Criminal -, Philippine News for Filipinos Well its no surprise that I have a very negative reaction to priests and religious. The term religious should be changed to refer to their primary interests: maintaining their self image. Priests and Pro-life politicians are the most interesting specimens of delusions. Particularly what they care more about, the fact that they don't address the facts and keep failing to accommodate it. It all goes back to Ego and Pride. Its easier to say I'm wrong, when you don't insecurities about what you are really about. Its easier to say sorry I was wrong than to maintain an image of credibility. In fact, being able to fess up to the facts and truth is in itself a measure of character. Thats why I've been picking fights with these Intellectuals who put image first. I can be as abrasive and asshole-lic as possible and still be able to say sorry when I'm wrong. I can get at the truth, the logic and facts because I can ask que...

Grandpa Simpson gets a writing gig : Pharyngula

What I'm not doing . Grandpa Simpson gets a writing gig : Pharyngula

Came from a Jog

Man is there a lot of people in GH at 7:15 in the morning. I think I should have had the will power to get my ass out by 5:30am. I woke up at around 5:10ish. Anyway, tried calling my bros, who are about 12hours different time zone. I tried at around 8 and 9pm here, and 6 and 7 am there. No one is answering, which is odd because mom would be the person to answer the phone no matter what hour. Trauma makes sleeping deep and disturbing , which makes my idle me sleep a lot shallower and less disturbing. So I've not had enough time studying and being harassed, which is a good thing. If I were harrassed it would be around the same time I would be learning something, and I wouldn't be getting good sleep and thus a cranky person. My wife finally told people she was preggers. Its the basis the AIM is rejecting her, despite being THE shoe in for scholarship. See, when women's lives are less important than their baby infuriates m e. My baby right now is a parasite, I don't know ...

Good Health helps me appreciate Good weather

Apart from that its the Rainy season and when it does shine it is not as hot as a few months ago, It really is a big deal to be fitter. One thing I failed to notice his how much my pants fit better and i'm not that uncomfortable having stuff in my pockets. Anther immediate advantage is how much I can appreciate the weather because airsoft playing conditions is associated to it. Its not just its a good day, its a good day to play airsoft today. My mind quickly begins calculating my endurance factor given the weather and seeing how cool it is, means I can rush and displace more often. Finally, its how much more energy I have for doing what I need to do. Its harder to slack off when I'm not tired or distracted by something else. So I've begun picking up where I left off before this haze of distractions came in. Blender . I had a blender project that was pushed aside when I changed office. I was keeping notes and doing some 3d-modeling exercises. Putonghua . Well my mandarin s...

I'm Back on Track

Diet-wise I've struggled to get this. I'm about 168 and just before bed. This means I'll be about 2lbs lighter from the water loss. This weight has stuck for a week, since the caffeine withdrawal. A good sign is that I'm waking up earlier and sleeping earlier. After the airsoft game and the generous sweating I was at 165. Target weight is roughly 160 where I lose the gut my man-purse accentuates with its strap across my torso. Only had about 2-3hours sleep . I've checked up night time allergy, but there doesn't seem to be any good sources on my initial search. Strangely the allergy i get before bed sometimes doesn't happen or happens while I sleep, which wakes me up. I'm trying to keep track of it, and today was one of those nights where i decided not to preemptively take benedryl before bed. Dreams . I feel fine despite the few hours sleep. My hypothesis is that sleep is only needed for recouping mental reserve lost in tasks of concentration, learning...