feeling a little underther weather

Its thursday and I'm feeling a bit sick. Its that incling that I'm going to get sick. The best thing I can do is just sleep it all off, drink a lot of fluids, take multi-vitamins, and not push to hard. I think thats the reason I was at 169 last night. Damn after all that work, sabotaged by sickness.

Those cankersores were already a sign. Yesterday and this morning I couldn't stand the coldness of the aircon, I kept waking up to how cold it was. Hope I get better by tomorrow. Today is just rest and not pushing too hard.

Getting rid of my RPG stuff. Well most of the stuff that I don't need, particularly fluff. Shifting to Airsoft is rather expensive and after cleaning the den I realize how much baggage I carry that I can't even share with my future kid.


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