Cost Benefit Analysis: Airsoft vs TTRPGs.

Analyze the Economic Factors and it becomes a bit clear why it works for me. In the end Utility aka Market Forces wins out. The willingness to pay for sentimentality gets really weaker as other opportunities light up.






Play Time / Utility

2-3 hrs / B to A+

4-6hrs / D to A+

Cost Annual average

Php23,000 (16,000)*

Php 6-8,000**

Cross compatibilities

Fitness (Cardio, Strength training, Kinesthetics Study, Diet and Nutrition, Improved Vitality Conditioning), Visualization-Spatial Int, Tactics, Strategy, Lesser Sleep Conditioning, Self-Defense, Group Tactics, Leadership, Instruction, Socialization, Body Language, Gesture-Reading, Soldiering, Hiking, Outdoorsmanship, Intelligence Analysis,

History, Philosophy, Economics, Game Theory, Diplomacy, Empathy, Storytelling, Strategy

Total Time Cost (Logistical)


8-12 hours

Bragging Rights/ Ability to relate it to other people/ Ability to get other people to join/ Variation of Company

Yes / Easy / Easy / Broad

None / Hard / Very Hard / Very Specialized

*Cost is not Dedicated to just airsoft only, many of the equipment falls under sports/fitness and container gear that is useful for other things. I also have enough equipment for 2 other people now, that basically brings down the average cost to 8k per year average.

** Some are historical material.

I do admit that people with physical handicaps can join in... unless for special roles. Armorers, Logistical, or Placement gunner. While I still have my health, I wish to enjoy it.

Slept 4 hours today.
Injuries. Sprained wrist, my knees are still a bit weak and needs to get stronger, and I need to do dynamic stretching before begining the game next time. I'm comfortable enough in the fit of my BDU to do it.
Who to invite next week? assuming Juna gets his M16 DMR this week. I also have an MP44 that weighs twice my G3 I can possibly lend out, but hardly the gun for a Newb. We will be at KM18.
  • Remarkable Athlete Brother-in-Law - Already Stretched thin
  • Child-Hood friend who does sports pistol shooting - Unpredictable schedule
  • Many of the Athletic friends from Filipino free thinkers - Don't know who to ask first and how to find out quickly who can or cant in short notice.


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