Caught up with old friends
I was able to have dinner, cigars, and a beer with Mike So and Mike logarta. Its been a while, nearly 10 years for Milo and me, and about 14 years since Mike So and me. So a lot of interesting things were shared and de-classified. Of course I cannot name names or give more details, but what I can say is that It gave a bit of a closure. The night of drinking began with recapping, Mike was very good in remembering all the topics we wanted to visit through out the night. Personally I would have written it down except that my pen broke and spilled ink on my pocket. It would have been weirder puting it all in a note 2. So we got to find out much of the history of the Malate Org and Milo highlighted a lot of the structure I failed to see since I was being "Handled". Many things were happening while I was in a Haze of my Vice then, and I was so easy to manipulate it has lead to many of my skepticism and scrutiny habits of present. I also got to bury the hatchet with what hap...