Food Adjustments
So basically some heavy adjustments in my diet.
- From using 50g of milo I am now using just 10g of brown sugar. Thats 210 calories to 37 calories when I take my coffee.
- So my coffee is now 100g of milk for 64calories and 37 calories of sugar.
- I got gourmet (the brand) coffee. 450php for 500g. I can drink it at 18g per "shot" that would be about 22php per drink. Instead of using the Coffee bean shots which is 40php each drink. If I drink 3 shots a day thats just ~300cal and ~75php. Coffee prevents me from getting hungry right after just eating.
- So I dont get sick of my Tapa I will be eating the canned tuna with Kimchi. 500g is worth 150php at Kangs grocery - at 100g per meal thats 30php and 30 cals. about 60php per meal-ish. Not counting the rice and egg. rice and egg add about 220cal for 200g of rice. 220+160+80 = 460 cals.
- The tapa is sirloin beef in "breakfast cut" marinated in Low Sodium Kikoman, pepper, and brown sugar. 750g (350php) of beef marinated in 70php and about 50php of other ingredients is about 80php per meal of 125g of beef (250 calories).
- The breakfast you see below is about 500 calories. At 125g of beef it should be 600 calories.
- Canned tuna is 1.6 cal per gram. So 156 grams is 1 cal
- Doing more push ups now. Will try to run more. I can do about 20 push ups in 30 secs before my arms give out. The same about in Dips. My push ups is always with my feat elevated at about 2.5 feet or 75cm.
- So finally if I can stick to at least <2000cal 178lbs.="" 180lbs="" activity="" and="" at="" can="" control.="" currently="" get="" i="" li="" m="" more="" my="" nbsp="" tonight.="" under="" up="" wake="" weight="">2000cal>
microwaved egg in freshly ground pepper and olive oil. this is about 20sec defrost 3x.
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