
Showing posts from March, 2007


Reading . Been reading Berserk by Kentaro Miura and oh my god it is awesome and twisted. I don't get scared or freaked out easily since its kinda my job to draw visually scary things. Even with what I've been exposed too, it does not compare to the originality and creativity this mangga has set. Its inspiring and gives me ideas for my Byzatine Game, along with Exorcism: The Beginning and the Drama from Guy Gavriel's Sailing to Sarantium, I've got alot of Ideas i have to sort out. I'll lend to the guys who plan to play my byzantine game or anyone else around:)

Filipino Pragmatism

When I hear stories of how great Filipino fighters are, one thing I find most striking is the pragmatic approach to problems. In the case of Lapu Lapu, who's guile fooled Magellan into fighting on high tide to cut his mobility and to further encumber him was a pretty straight forward approach. If someone is after you, you choose the battle ground. No elaborate tactics, nothing complicated, just the simple idea that these aliens should try fighting thigh deep in water carrying all that armor. That is one simple approach, other examples exist in Kali's own development and battles of the Philippine revolution. I won't get into that in detail cause I'd go on a long winded discussion. What I want to point out is how Filipinos are a capable problem solvers despite their lack of exposure or experience. I like the expression “Hahanap ng Paraan” or “Will find a Way”. It is an expression that I hear more often when it comes to good business and management. Those who are capable...

Realistic View of Philippine Martial Arts: Lapu Lapu was bad ass

The original article The Short of it : Lapu Lapu was bad ass. The long of it : Tell you one thing about Lapu Lapu, It wasn't a fluke. Rajah Humabon offered 25 of his best to compliment Magellan's own numbers. Which was around 16-20 if i remember (8 died and they were said to bring a score of men). I don't know if you would believe the 1500 mactan warriors vs 20. First you have to consider that mactan is a small island (62 sq km) . The Spanish cite that it was around 1500 mactan warrior, an exaggeration of course (to impress the king no doubt and to eliminate any question to why they lost). But if you look at Mactan the island can only support about a 500 people, at most and without heavy trade for food, given the era. 1500 warriors means that mactan must have a population of 30,000 and all their men are fighting. According to spanish records which cite that Sugbu was 20,000 people, that would give 1000 males who are of ...

More work to come

Reading up . Been reading up on Byzantine again. There are a lot of things I'd want to play and want to run. First off, browsing through a copy of Rifts Ultimate Edition, got me craving for Rifts. It looks good. I guess for me, I'd just use D20 Future and translate and convert the content. If you think about it, the tracer is much like the head hunter, the helix warrior the juicer, the Glitter boy is a glorified mech jock etc. etc. So I think given the how much the book has been cleaned up and the art. I guess I can run Rifts as my D20 game, but I don't know if I should. Anyway, when it comes to byzantium I'm pretty much happy how it is going. I've based the outline on Roma Arcana in GURPS Fantasy but since I'm sticking to realistic I can just get rid of a ton of stuff that doesn't need to be explained. Although, since my work is slowly getting faster, i'm thinking of having the art for the Byzantium outline made on the side. All black and white since i ...

Want to Run Games

When I hear about 300, i think about the Philippine Equivalent. I was thinking of one day running battle at Tirad Pass. 50 Filipino soldiers, among them 10 of the best sharpshooters of the Philippine army (of course the Exceptional PCs) vs 600 better equip, better fed, better trained American army that tried to capture aguinaldo. the average american was not only what i enumerated to be better but was also 1 foot taller and 20lbs heavier than the average filipino soldier. (cited from Carlos Quirino's Filipinos At War). All the Philippine soldiers are 30cp (mundanes*) characters, the American soldiers 50cp (competent) and their commanding officers 75cp (elites). The PCs 100cp (exceptional) characters. Of course the "heroic" figure who is Gregorio Del Pilar 150 (heroic). * farmers and laborers who wanted a better life. Trying to find more about tirad pass and the terrain. I've been reading the smithsonian's Art of War, basically a guide to the evolution of warfare...

Dizzy and Nauseated.

Drawings . The drawing sucked. I'll finish it but make a new one again. I guess my skill level in GURPS terms is just 10 (-4 penalty for additional quality, +4 extra time). Haven't been exercising and I'm feeling the worse for it. High pulse rate (possibly higher blood pressure), feeling nauseated, heightened irritability, sluggishness. I will have to start working out and start going back to eating oatmeal. Or just working out a heck more. I'll try to sleep early tonight. I hate the fact that I have to go to get my medical test results and find the time to go to makati and get my doctor's diagnosis if i'm in the clear. Right now I feel wierd. Restless but too tired. Waiting for my jittering to end then i'll slowly do some work out. I should ease into working out, I'm not that young anymore. Hope I can wake up early to start jogging tomorrow.


Craving for a game . I want a multi genre game that makes enough sense and has a number of different aspects that keep the game interesting. I feel like resurrecting my fading suns game, but to keep things simple I'll use the D20 Modern System (with future and future tech). My understanding of a Feudal System and Economy had makes me appreciate the simplicity of a setting where trade and the transmission of information is slow. The limitations of even going at a fraction of the speed of light makes for interesting obstacles and game parameters. Been reading D20 Modern. Since level system doesn't really work for me, i'll try to follow levels as level of Power (as in Power vs Expectation) instead of accumulated experience. So 1st levels are mundane and commoners, 2nd level competents, 3rd level elites, 4th exceptional, and 5th heroic or important. Although, my problem with D20 Modern is that advancement is too fast. I may just use the original DnD experience system to tapper...

Done and DOne.

Priest . Could be much better, had to compromise and finish it by my personal deadline. This character is inspired. :D As is Russian superstition, I hope that the next one is as ON TIME. the Unusual A symbol is the setting holy symbol. Deviant is off line so Uggg. Anyway, this is the NEW EAS setting i'm fixing up. No magic, Realistic, but a little fudged and fantasy. Again... designed to have a easier learning curve and a ton of ART for a player's book. No long winded text... just ART. Really banking on the 1 pic is worth a 1k words. Hope to make another drawing again. For these works I LOVE OSPREY MILITARY HISTORY BOOKS!


comix . Little Sister was able to color her comic. Check it out page 1 , 2 and 3 . Me so proud :) In other things : Still working.


Contemplation . I just realized after much thought, you never talk about leaving/staying in the country. Its just not polite conversation. After looking at all the points of view, (and believe me, in my shoes there are a lot, for one thing my wife is into investments and they have a different story to tell about the state of the country's economy). When you just talk about it, it brings up a lot of messy things. Consider that the person hearing about leaving/staying has a different opinion, there are all kinds of reasons that comes up there. They may have a strong reason to stay/leave and thats when you have your conflict. Both aspects require a strong conviction and of course when we differ then conflicts ignite. Anyway . Finished some work and DAMN i'm tired. It has low detail but its a struggle to stop myself from going overboard with detail that won't be seen. You can find it also in my deviant art account . Anyway, about a ton more to go. Hope i can work faster and be...

More thoughts, when there is less room in my head

New RPGs . There is still room for new RPGs these days. Although the room is quite small, future RPG developers like myself have make a great product with a small budget. One aspect that has gotten my attention recently is the setting learning curve. The Setting is very important to an RPG. It is the medium where the Role-playing takes place and the environment that interacts with the players. Unfortunately Settings are hard to learn, it takes a measure of reading and studying to get all the names of NPCS, dates, locations and these elements down. These days there are a lot of new game settings but very few RPGs put the effort of making them easy to learn. More often these days are games that use established settings, this helps make things easy to learn since a certain groups would already be familiar and thus be more inclined to learn to play the game. I've got a long way to go, very long. It would be a number of years before i make my own RPG. Mostly because of the ART i...

Craving for a Gaming

Learning . I keep a notebook to keep track of what I learn about drawing. Its full of self criticism about my drawing habits, limitations, strengths and previous works. They also contain my observation to the strengths, weaknesses and techniques used by other artists that I am able to observe. I have a long way to go and a lot of discipline and habits to form. It would be easier working/studying with someone. But I guess, It must be done alone. I'm a bit too gregarious for my own needs. Here we can see tadeo , staring at nothing. want to game . Ideally a game with a low complexity but with good Imagery. I'm thinking Rifts with D20 Modern. Just convert the concepts and make as much of the concepts generic. I'm getting distracted but I want to game. I wish I had the D20 Modern Book with me. Just a small Rifts Game where I can go crazy in a bit.

Response to Comment.

Unfortunately you missed the main point of the letter. It is not about leaving the country, it is about choosing to make the country a better place and denouncing what's wrong. The "leaving the country" part is poetic license, an exaggeration to emphasize a point. If you've known the author, you'll known that he's no quitter, and the sacrifice he made for his current choice, and the winning under-dog story that is is proudly Filipino. - Charles Leaving . I've read the letter too, even if it was poetic license it sends the signal to leave either way. Everyone who sent me a link to this letter wondered why I gave up my green card. When they bring up the letter, they cite it particularly as to why they're leaving. What i just find lacking in the letter is HOPE. As much as he mentions loving the country he mentions leaving just as much in his "poetic license" and not everyone knows Mr. Keh. I don't know Mr. Keh. I have many patriotic and ...

Normally I'd say "Fuck Them All".

Understanding . When we are given the power to do what is right or what is wrong, we have the power to change ourselves. But to change a whole country, we feel that we do not have the power. Which is wrong, as much as a personal choice can decide who we are, a people have the ability, have the power to make its own moral choice and change her direction. The Philippines can change. The choice is not just with us but everyone, everyone must know they have the CHOICE They have the power to do the right thing. That they will NOT forgive the injustices of those in power who manipulate them and let them deceived. They have the right for the truth. The have the right to Choose Leaders who are Uncorrupted by Today's Politics. Leaders who will give them the truth and will do everything in their power to improve their way of life. A campaign of CHOICE must be made to eliminate the corruption. WE CAN CHOOSE A BETTER LIFE, WE CAN CHOOSE BETTER LEADERS, WE HAVE A CHOICE TO A BETTER LIFE!

My Open Letter to Every Filipino

To my Fellow Filipino , This is my reaction to the current events and the open letter circulating: First ask yourself, who is suffering the most in these times? Now, who benefits the most when “good men do nothing”? There are those who will leave and they will make a better life for themselves somewhere else. They will secure the future of their children and their children's children. Then there are those who will choose to stay and they will make the difference. They choose to stay, not just for their own sakes or their children's, they stay for their fellow man. They stay so that jobs will be still be there so people can uplift themselves, that companies can continue to run with trained professionals to depend on, and that others will do the same and attract business and investments for the country. Let's not let history repeat itself. The years preceding the Philippine revolution, many saw the same abuse and corruption and fled. Where are they now? When the revolution e...


2 worlds . Began work on 2 maps. The Mahadlika map and the Eas map. these are huge maps and they tend to slow my computer terribly. Maps have a lot of complications, their problems with scale and detail tend to limit a lot of their creation options. I have semi-ambitous plans with these maps. I've been researching in the amount of physical detail i'll be trying to illustrate. I want as much detail as possible (as a GM) at the same time I want it to be very immersive aesthetics that will make it's reader curious about each of the locales. Work . As part of my portfolio, I've also begun preparations for a CRPG proposal based on the style of my favorite games: Sin Meier's Pirates , Mount and Blade , and Darklands . Beginning with Darklands game play, considering the cost of game engines, story line, complexity and detail of a good "sand box" setting, and the possibilty of a low end MMO upgrade. Anyway, its just a proposal and all the material is reusable a...

Being old means being tired all the time

it speaks volumes . When you come to understand your perspective of your parents and why they are that way when your married and settled in. When once you were full of energy and now you conserve it for the priorities we may not really want to do (or is very hard to do). Resting Day . Sat and Sun are resting days and are best spent at home taking a break from the stress that will come on the weekdays. Right now I'm just writing my GURPS player material. Mount and Blade has just made me craving for a George R.R. Martin style medieval game. I'm hoping to be able to lay it out into a 100 page booklet with a lot of art. Some RPG in your Art Book. A heavily illustrated RPG is something the Game publishers should consider when the cost of outsourcing artists is having more bang for buck. A book where every concept comes with an Illustration is nothing new, its just the cost and deadlines that can be a problem. Reviving EAS as a realistic dark age setting with no magic or no superna...


Done . But i have a lot of mistakes. at least my process is cleaning up. The better my process the better my productivity. Mistakes is just part of the learning process. I made this copy to small, though, there are alot of details lost. Part of the reason i show the small copy is so that i can protect my work. Anyway, planning to do a set of illustrations for my pet project. I hope i have the stamina to pull it all off. If i manage to make everything (the map and a bunch of character illustrations) i plan to send it to SJG if they may want an ebook of it or just make it part of my portfolio. In the end I will have a useful gaming aid. :D I need some rest, off to Caladria :D... (man this game makes me want to really own a horse) btw, the dress was designed by chat :)

final throes

takes 20 . we'll you really have to always take your time. the problem with rushing is you'd do something you'd regret and its too late. Anyway, it is also a chance to learn quite a lot. One of the lessons for today is that, with the right lines, coloring may not be too hard :D I have a previous work in the back burner, because it was just to ambitious and i wasn't ready (and skilled enough to execute what i had expected*) An artist's expectations should never exceed what he can visualize. 2 very different things, but very indistinguishable when conceptualizing and in a rush. You can see my perspective lines. The good ones don't need to use them... but I might be drawing other elements on this one and having the perspective lines still intact helps in the future as well. Hope to finish inking this today and already start with the base colors before i go to sleep.


Mount and Blade . I'm so addicted to this game and really love the experience of it. Its really about my background and my interests. I one of those few who loved and played Darklands (historical open-ended RPG set in medieval Germany), one of many who played Sid Meiers Pirates, and love low powered/ realistic settings. I not only like the game but the financing model of taleworlds and goals. The game doesnt try to achieve to much. Most of the time, i'm so caught up with the games central element (mounted combat) that i don't know all the other factors they put nicely in is coming into play. I love the mounted combat, the combat is fairly simple and has a moderate learning curve. It also makes a ton of sense, the advantage of mounted warriors is undeniable in this simulation-like setting. recently I've accumulated a number of mounted followers (who cost an arm and a leg to maintain). They're from Knights, to Caravan Guards and Mercenaries. Immediately, from the star...

Careers are like Character Classes

Levels . It feels like an RPG. Illustration is hard work and tools of the trade really do matter. Looking at my tools, i see how 1st level I am in both skill and experience. Pentium-D, 1G (to 512; it's screwy) Ram, 128MB video card, 9.75' x 12.5' screen, and a 3.5' x 5' graphite tablet. These stats would be roughly a 32pt buy level 1 illustrator. Contrary to a 25pt buy (with worse specs) or a 15pt buy (which is just a PC) Tools improve my performance and helps make my artistic skills become more transparent with the digital medium. Hopefully in a year i can save up and thus level up. Here is how I see levels Level 2. 2 G ram or a larger screen. Age x P1,000 month* Level 3 . Plus having both of what was in level 2 Level 4 . A new work station or an assistant/temp/OJ. Age x P1,500 month * Level 5. A beginnings of a staff or a partner. Level 6 . A competent staff or a full time partner. Age x P2000 month * . Established Credentials. Level 7. Both staff and partners ...