Response to Comment.
Unfortunately you missed the main point of the letter. It is not about leaving the country, it is about choosing to make the country a better place and denouncing what's wrong.
The "leaving the country" part is poetic license, an exaggeration to emphasize a point.
If you've known the author, you'll known that he's no quitter, and the sacrifice he made for his current choice, and the winning under-dog story that is is proudly Filipino.
- Charles
Leaving. I've read the letter too, even if it was poetic license it sends the signal to leave either way. Everyone who sent me a link to this letter wondered why I gave up my green card. When they bring up the letter, they cite it particularly as to why they're leaving. What i just find lacking in the letter is HOPE. As much as he mentions loving the country he mentions leaving just as much in his "poetic license" and not everyone knows Mr. Keh.
I don't know Mr. Keh. I have many patriotic and nationalist friends, but they will leave when they get the chance. They have the right and their children's future at stake.
But his solution is not enough. It's weak, because when the middle class isn't as involved or concerned with the welfare of the lower class then no progress will occur no matter how much of the middle class VOTES RIGHT. Being a nation means overcoming all that divide us, that means the Illustrados of today should be more involved in improving the way of life of every Filipino.
Like before the revolution, only the LOWER CLASS wanted revolution. Only a handful of illustrados* when so many farmers, laborers and commoners gave their lives to fill the ranks that fought against GUNS and CANNONS armed only with sharpened bamboo.
That's what's happening today. Indifference is what is killing this country more than a paltry of votes or corruption. Despair within the middle class, as well, cripples it from action. The middle class or upper class will not save this country. Only together , all classes, will make this country right itself. The fact is the Lower Class has the MOST power to change things and thats what every corrupt politician knows too well. And I'm not saying the letter is addressed only to the middle class (although it's in English).
Actually I advice any friend who wants to leave to leave when they can. Only they know whats best for their and their children's future. Although, it just leaves me looking for friends who wants to stay and fight.
* not to mentioned they murdered the only plebian in the new Philippine Government.
"Leave... and let the Heroes stand and Fight."
They were Ten Thousand Farmers, Peasants and Laborers armed only with bamboo spears, but all of them Heroes.
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