Craving for a Gaming

Learning. I keep a notebook to keep track of what I learn about drawing. Its full of self criticism about my drawing habits, limitations, strengths and previous works. They also contain my observation to the strengths, weaknesses and techniques used by other artists that I am able to observe. I have a long way to go and a lot of discipline and habits to form.

It would be easier working/studying with someone. But I guess, It must be done alone. I'm a bit too gregarious for my own needs.

Here we can see tadeo, staring at nothing.

want to game. Ideally a game with a low complexity but with good Imagery. I'm thinking Rifts with D20 Modern. Just convert the concepts and make as much of the concepts generic. I'm getting distracted but I want to game. I wish I had the D20 Modern Book with me.

Just a small Rifts Game where I can go crazy in a bit.


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