
Showing posts from July, 2016

Running update

28 mins, 5km, nike 31 mins, 4.08km, star trac 2 incline in the first 1.5km. 0.0 after that. Was able to. Maintain 10kph for 3 mins. Knees seem fine. Lower back feels weak. Was not able to Work out much on Sunday. Just stretching. I realize I need to stretch everyday. The sciatica management is everyday and when the  pain is mostly gone, working on strengthening. Maybe a month, September when Im into strengthening enough to know a new form and able to carry as much as before.

Running update

29 mins, 5km, nike 30 mins, 3.9km star trac 0.0 incline, had 2 incline to begin with but got down to 0.0 after 1.5km Back sore, right knee has some healing  to go. Left knee feels fine. Feet and shin had some stress and that foreshadows more stress before I reach my next performance level. Sciatica stretches, then hiit, and then pushups and chair dips after planned. Maybe a sciatica wind down.

Injury update

The sciatica management stretches has helped a lot with  my back lately. The pain when I bend over has not been around lately. I should have  done this earlier. This is much cheaper than the therapy at in health way at 20usd 1k php per visit. So I hope I can keep this up. Currently working on arms (pull ups, push-ups, and chair dips) and doing the stretches between runs. Running twice a week because of my knees being week. August 15 for going back running more often.

Expenses Update

Need to set this up. I can't afford an Audible Account.  My big Expenses this month of July are: The Ab Axxel because the deposit and the monthly. The 4k per month is a big dent in our monthly.  Grocery at 15k per month seems to be pretty steady. It has gotten cheaper with the eating corned beef. Especially A big chunk was food expense was eating out for that project: 220+300 = 520 per day for every time we ate out. So thats about twice a week 4 weeks a onth was about 8*520 = 4160php per month. But once I started packing lunch with it was 220 per day of meal. so it went down by half. So its now 1760php. Saving 2400 per month.  The corned beef has about a 22 days * (80php corned beef, 20php egg, 10php rice) = 2,420php per month to feed me. Coffee everyday is about 2,287php at 50grams a day at 1.5php per gram of beans.  Softdrinks is about a 2L per 2 days, thats about 900php of softdrinks a month. 

Running update

24:30 mins, 4.66km nike 26:51 mins, 3.55km star trac 0.0 incline, knee recovery, est recovery by Aug 15. Giving it 3 weeks. And even after that 2.0 incline and doing 4.0 once a week and normalizing between 0.0 and 2.0 incline. Slept 6 hours.  Need to sleep earlier. See morning  update reports. Right knee feels weak, but not so much  as the left when it started acting up. But uncontrollable weakening unlike  lack if strength.

Morning Rituals

Trying to take medicine at 5am, and wake up at 5:45 or 6am. If I can get coffee done in 20mins and drink it 20mins I'd be good. I need to be in the gym by 7am. Today i'll probably be in the Gym by 8:15. Run till 9:15 and hope to be on time for my 10:00am meeting. Goals I need to sleep less. 6-7 hours are sustainable.  I need to eat less.  Coffee is about 100-200ml of milk on average 90cal and 4g of protien  Corned Beef/Pork with 3 eggs and Rice are less than 1k calories.  Corned Beef: 320g of meat, 426 calories, 56g protien, 2000mg of sodium Rice 150g 160 calories 3 Eggs 240 calories 14g of protein.  Dinner is a problem because we cant not pig out. He have to have a pre-agreed solution thats sustainable. 

Exercise update

Just two sets of 30 second push-ups and chair dips. Timed about 5.5 mins rest in between. That's about 30 mins not counting this post. I will need the backpack with the vest inside for this. This exercise are a bunch of time. I need a customization interval. One key take away is that arms can feel pretty pumped at the end of an Arm day. Maybe always end with the sciatica exercise. Goal is to work out till I can't move my arms. To figure out at what point they will fail.

Summarizing, Body Fat, injuries

Summarizing the lesson of the day in the beginning of an entry to simplify the learning process. At greater than 172lbs my thighs are chaffing. I need to look at my carb and sodium macro intake. I need to look at the rice I'm eating. Need to guess at how much carb grams I eat and find a good benchmark to approach. Knees are weak. Will need to run at a no incline and will focus on Hiits. I still have not yet looked at the sciatica exercise.

Running update

37:30 mins 4.49km star trac 36mins, 6.5km nike 4.0 incline  up to 4.5km and the last mile at 0.0 incline. Both knees were acting up. Nike vs star trac is my effort vs how far given incline. My knees are damaged. Without incline I can 8.5kph easy but in 4.0 it's 6.2kph. Damn now both knees are sore. Anyway plan to do Torso and back strengthening. Work on arms till sore everyday. So back and knees.

Running update

Nike, 28 mins and 4km. Star trac error when I tried 16kph. Will only max at 12-10kph. 4.0 incline Left knee very weak. I don't  know how I injured it. So I need to track 5kph resting walk, 2-6mins, 10kph and up for burst at 0.33-2 mins. I need to have  total 4mins per km ideally. But I'd settle for <6 minutes per km by October or 3 months. Woke up earlier as a first. Had a little sleep of 4 hours.

My knee acting up

When I work out the stress from the exertion is not bad but a good kind of pain. The thing is it doesn't get easier, or less painful, it's just being able to keep everything together in a new level of stress and pain. I can't ignore the pain like when I was younger and felt invincible -  that's what got me the injuries Im living with now lolz. When an older person says hes reached his limit, it's with the wisdom of all those permanent injuries he's accumulate lolz. The younger me has something  to prove, the wiser me doesn't forget that I have more to lose getting injured than under performing.

Running update

30 mins, 5km, nike 33mins, 3.47km, star trac 4.0 incline Distracted by Anime, about 1 hours a day Porn is eating about 0.7 to 1.5 hours a day Need to wrestle this time to focus. Will formulate a plan. Will do a HIIT. Back not so good. Kinda gotten weaker. Ben-g told me I can go generic entecavir from 9.5k php to 7k php. Have not seen the sciatica exercise. Will make goals prerequisite per episode I watch. Keep to 7-10 mins per episode. So max 2-3 episodes per say.

Running update

27 mins, 4.66km nike 28 mins, 3.06km star trac 4.0 incline Left leg and knee felt weak. Breathing was hard by 7.3+. My moisture and breathing got in the way. My back is still bad and I don't know if it has gotten worse. I really need to do hehe sciatica exercises. My backpack load is the same.

Running update

28 mins, 2.9km star trac 26 mins, 4.5km nike 4.0 incline My best rate is 6.5kph for probably more than 2km I could sustain 7kph for 2km but breathing gets harder I only finished half bottle of about 400ml Weaker now. Had some weakness in the left calf. Been only doing push-ups.

Running update

26 mins, 2.63km star trac 23 mins, 4km nike 4.0 incline Feet hurting probably because of the inserts. Right knee acting up. Feels tired even when it didn't do much  but sit all day. No hiit so many to do I've put off.

中文 update

I fell off the wagon. Have notnot studied in a while. Again work getting in the way. This is my writing exercise score. This has no marks for penmanship lolz. Anyway Daniw started a 1030am to 12pm meet up in Salcedo market this Saturday for Chinese self-study people. So I hope I can find some of my classmates there.

Running update

36  mins, 3.44km star trac 33 mins, 5km nike 4.0 incline My belly I unusually big. I didn't over eat or that could be my body confusing me. I didn't study enough this week and burned through the good anime. Breathing steady is the current challenge.  I don't produce enough oxygen to push muscles and everything. Maybe I really should ask a sports doctor about my diaphragm cramps. Find out hat doctor treats diaphragm cramps.

Niko update

He tried to shave me while I was helping him out in plants vs zombies. I was surprised to feel a razor scraping against my cheek. I could. Not get mad at him but had to explain to him,next time to let me show him how to Shave me instead of shaving me without my guidance.

Running update

36 mins, 4.09km, star trac 30 mins, 5.55km nike 4.0 incline My breathing needs training to manage my hydration. I need to reach 4 minute mile or 1.6km or 24kph. Sustaining 24kph for 4 minutes is  goal. I need to run in the triangle.

Niko update

At uniqlo buying new clothes for chat as she gets bigger and preggers. Today we need to document how it is not to be spoiled and make a new level for him.