
Showing posts from April, 2008

Gaspar's Reply

Well i got his reply and it seems he is staying in the US . Oh well, at least I tried. Anyway, about work . I'm getting better and I've been given a lot of tasks because I've been finishing them on time. Not because of skill but more because nothing screwy has been happening to the computer. Of course then there is the matter of self study and trying to figure out things by yourself before asking help. Its not like we're kids and need to be spoon fed the information *ahem*. Asking about stuff is the easiest way to learn something... but not that good in the long run. Experiences of frustration and the act of problem solving does imbed skills much deeper in one's mind than just asking someone whenever you hit a bump. Anyway, I'm a 3d Artist and I should know my sh*t. What kind of artist would I be if I didn't know my own tools? Maya vs 3ds Max . I've been having some problems with rigging. I talked to jun and he tells me maya just paints the the "we...

Some small things

news updates . Talked to little sister and she will be back at around May 9. she will be studying Flash scripting here. Game today . Canceled, possibly moved to thurs after bobby's game. I've been gearing up for Ben-g's game lately as you can see by my compulsions. I should just run a module Game on Thursday (labor day) . Bobby is running a game GURPS wasteland with exotic advantages 150cp plus 50 disads. If anyone is interested please get in touch by tomorrow for full details. Bobby allowing exotic advantages (of course stuff that you can easily explain and not to rules complicated).

Dad and the Car; Its a Bitchy Day today

Dad wants to buy us a car . It would be great getting a car, although Chat would be driving it more than me. We want to be Eco and Economical. We like hondas but dad has a car for already in mind. So dad wants to buy as a car but he wants a car with some status, like a Civic. Us, on the other hand, want a Jazz or a City. Its not exactly an option when dad doesn't like the Status of the car. Status means something to Dad's circles, strangely... unfortunately we don't care about status. I liked my old Honda City and wouldn't mind an upgrade to the new 2008 city. In fact, we thought about it as Chat filled up a lotto ticket. If we did have the money, we would Still get a city. Mom is right about cars, they devalue TOO greatly and too quickly. A choice of spending between 770k to 850k OR 550k for a City or a Jazz. :( We are not the type sell the car after 3 years. Its impractical to get a car only to sell it in 3 years. On the other hand, a car with more Horse power wil...

Early Out!

Wow, finished ahead of time... or so I think . Never assume you're in the clear, with tech there is always a Murphy hiding somewhere. What did I learn . Finer manipulation of Hair and Fur, Animation Loops, and Improved a bit in my color sense. The bee looks good, come to think of it. Not great, but Ok for an animation short. Can't Join the group Airsoft . Bob arranged that we all go airsoft but I can't right now. :( Listening to The Last Goodbye -Stay Beautiful . sounds so optimistic jumpy and uplifting.

Busy busy bee

rendering a bee . And a bee is is mostly a puff ball of dirty blond hair. Bee's are hard. They are the most complex insects I have ever rendered. This is because they are not smooth exoskeletal creatures, they are fury an with varried textures and elements that make it hard to make them believable. Will be busy the whole week. Will Saturday will be spent at work again and I'm leaving work by around 7:30 ish. Working out. I really need to work out time passes me by too quickly at work because of the incredibly many things to do and double check. Computers are power now but have many many bugs, and I've have learned at this point the complexity of our work is at a point errors happen quite commonly. So we have to redo things over and over again, even with the right work process. :P

veging out

too tired for anything else . Don't know what to do. Thanks to work, I have an early mornings and I can't just waste it sleeping. I don't know what to do. Usually I work on some GURPS stuff for a game. But I don't have players and they are working on GURPS low Tech, a good acquaintance of mine was asked to write an article for it. Knowing that he started around now, I bet it will be made in the next 6 months. To think its 2008, Fourth Edition was made in 2004. So by 2009 all the books I'm interested in will have been made. 5 years into 4th edition. After that they don't have to change edition. Working on my own Game system . Working on a Real Time and Table Top game system for Mahadlika and my own gaming purposes. I have my own compilation of Human physical performance ranges for the purpose of an CRPG. Planning to make sure the system takes that into account. I also have a special "luck" system which I plan to integrate which is not like any system I...

at home

Close to burning out . I think sir will do the more important stuff. I think a better tree would be that. Anyway, took only a few hours to model a bee. Since it will be an extra it will not need too much detail. I guess I got lucky here. Thanks Charles . The mouse would be a cheaper solution. @ Jayvee . Sorry dude, my job has a lot of overtime. I'll be out for a while, i really want to hang out. Its just the hazards of being in this part of production. Listening to Imogen Heap (aka Frou Frou), Flyleaf, and a bunch of stuff in Yahoo Radio . They keep playing beatles at work to a point of the same song repeating 5x excluding the remakes. I'm sick of my own music and I wanted something different for a change.

whole day at the office, on a SATURDAY

From the looks of things we may be overtiming a while . Our boss received an email from our french client and they weren't happy with our progress. They will be visiting again the week after this coming. We have to go overdrive. We may be having work on saturday again next week :(. Worse is that if we don't finish we may go all the way to sunday. I will be too busy to post at length. My pinky finger is acting weird right now from holding a mouse too long. Its stiff and bends at an off timing. I can't use it to type, strangely. I did expect this kind of work load, its just wrecks havoc to my social life... which i never figured out how to balance.

No posts so far

Why? Deadline on monday, and I have a huge problem rendering a realistic tree. :( wish me luck. Been out of house for 13-14 hours at a time :( (from my usual 11-12 hours) I'm sure you can empathize on my situation. Also, if you know me I don't surf much or do non-work related stuff while at work more than the ave person. I feel I'm comming down with a fever after this.

Rice and my thoughts

There has been much noise making in the corruption of the government . But really, nothing can stop the from being broken except for the ability to enforce it... even if it is from extra-governmental forces. really, does anyone think that knowing that corruption is going on helps? You know what those people who are profiting are thinking: "who will stop me?". The answer is simple: no one. With the last vestiges of revolution cowed and returning to a future where they will be forever marked as traitors to both sides, what is left with the country. Still with every little thing, something big echoes . We as a people have learned how to complain better in the past years. What has improved, really, is the ability to attract attention to the Political Killings and the Corruption... BUT really what the F*CK does that do? When the Corrupt Rice barons push farmers and the country deeper into poverty, do you think they have an ounce of shame in them? When politicians play with t...
strange start . No seats on the train, I guess its because it's been raining and more people took the train. The whole trip no seats, even in the usual stops where a large number of passengers left (like Ayala and Magallanes). Then buying my breakfast a strange thing happened. As I lined up in jolibee there was a guy who takes advanced orders, as it was normal for long lines, he left to go back just before reaching my row in the line. When he came back and I called him if I can advance my order since it usually takes time to get 2pc spicy chicken. Next thing I knew they processed my order and made me jump a head of 3 people ahead of me. That as weird? I was thinking it must have been those many many incidents people misheard me. Ton of Mercury drug raffle coupons . Close friends know how much my drugs cost. So it should come to no suprise that we got a whole wad of raffle coupons when I bought my monthly drugs from mercury. Chat and I have long considered buying a name and adress ...

What is it for today

time to catch up on some chores . We went to the grocery yesterday. I'm not going to airsoft today because it eats up my whole morning which I could use to sleep. I have to go to Mr. Quickie to fix my boots. find some way to make a nice but make-shift butt plate for my AK. Then there is some things I want to concentrate about, work has made me unable to focus on making up ideas. Then there is Lola time :P then Porkchop time then get good helping of gaming before I start work again on Monday

Brownout and blender

Studying Blender Right now . Where will we be without video tutorials? Especially when your program doesn't have a lot of documentation. Blender is actually not bad. It has a lot of interface advantages over my 3ds max. in fact alot of the hot keys have a logic in it. This Saturday . Planning to go to National Kidney institute to get my results, play computer, and veg out. Time for some me time.

Well Pretty Productive

programs are Down right now for a system check up . While I can't access some programs I need for work i'm reading up on some other programs and learning how to use them. I've downloaded all the free blender videos, unfortunately I left my ID (w/c attached to my flash disk) at home so I can't view it. A lot to study and I realized that being able to exercise what you learn immediately as you are instructed really helps speed up absorbtion. Medieval Economic Data . Its pretty inaccurate compared to Lisa J. Steele's Fief especially when there are no dates involved an when the values are x10 difference in wages and x3 in incomes compared to Fief. But still useful when getting ball park ranges. Printed it out and when i closely studdied... i think the author has confused the value of a sou, livre and denier.

My Linux Conversion is Almost Complete.

Open Source Baby! With Blender and Ogre3d I can now proceed to the challenging world of Linux. I've grown very accustomed to Open Office and I will eventually move my gaming to platform (if my little sister brings the Xbox and PS2 with her when she goes back to manila. It is a slow path but I will get there. A computer that runs free from the many tangles of the escalating corporate software marketing. At least when i start working on the game proper everything is nice clean and a lot less complicated. Of course a large amount of technical proficiency is needed but at LEAST that raises my value and not the value of my work assets. A company with Blender Skilled 3d Artists and Animators, and Using an Open License graphic and game engine pressing the advantage of operating expenses home will be a formidable force. It raises a big middle finger to the lumbering giants out there. Mental Diarrhea . IF the Philippines did better and there was a growing middle class, I'd imagin...

Better and getting well

my voice on the phone . Damn, I sound so much like gaspar on the phone, I wonder how would an argument between us would sound like. I bet people would mistake him or me arguing with ourselves. Its all genetics I supposed. Travel Time . From the elevator to passed the pay counters around 10mins, Santolan station to Taft, 23 minutes, Edsa Station to UN ave 9 minutes. Of course there are many variables such as crowds, my health, how much in a hurry I am and seasons. Game moved to thurs . Gaming on thurs as it gives me a chance to recover. I like sleeping at 10, or 9 if I get home early enough to enjoy 1hr of computer gaming.

long weekend

save vs fortitude . I was comming down with sickness but managed to dodge it luckily... but not for long. I still feel pretty weak and will try to get as much rest as possible. I asked the hen to move the game to thurs so that I have a chance to regain some resistance. I don't want to get sick, especially when there is so much to do. Forgot my wallet . Because of me being careful against pickpockets I put my wallet someplace hard to reach and thus hard for me to check as systematically when i leave for work. Anyway, i have my coffee change which amounts to enough to buy a burjer steak solo. Man I'm hungry and I wasnt able to have my regular Heavy breakfast of 2pc chicken which gets me through most of the morning.

This was my problem

Freaking Large files . How would I know this would happen and its not how I do things... I am just learning everything I do is a mistake in the begging. If I knew this problem much earlier it would have saved me from a ton of heart ache in the first place. Lesson Learned.


Will keep working till I get this rig working properly . The computer takes some time to load. I should time how long it loads. I'm now working on a low poly ant walking and its 84MB! Wow, imagine if it had any complex actions. Anyway, I've gotten comfortable rigging with skin. I'm already visualizing how I could rigg a complcated character and animate him or her. Right now my warforged artificer feels right. Although as an artificer he is prop heavy. Then there i Tiras, one of the most imposing figures in the Mahadlika setting. Modeling him will be a problem since my expectations of him are pretty high for my own skill level. Our foreign employer's rep as well as the company owner's brother visited our work... thankfully i didn't have anything mess out. I animated the ant but it looked really bad with the deformities. it was an exaggerated walk with a strange gait. timed it... about 2 minutes to save a file :o Still craving for a game . Ob...

Craving for Game...

...where I can use my knowledge from fief . Love this book but I wish I had a chance to play using the knowledge given by the book and of course GURPS4E. I don't know why i want it more authentic? Again i'm trying to quantify to myself why I like it and to understand how it escalates.

Love it