veging out

too tired for anything else. Don't know what to do. Thanks to work, I have an early mornings and I can't just waste it sleeping. I don't know what to do. Usually I work on some GURPS stuff for a game. But I don't have players and they are working on GURPS low Tech, a good acquaintance of mine was asked to write an article for it. Knowing that he started around now, I bet it will be made in the next 6 months.

To think its 2008, Fourth Edition was made in 2004. So by 2009 all the books I'm interested in will have been made. 5 years into 4th edition. After that they don't have to change edition.

Working on my own Game system. Working on a Real Time and Table Top game system for Mahadlika and my own gaming purposes. I have my own compilation of Human physical performance ranges for the purpose of an CRPG. Planning to make sure the system takes that into account. I also have a special "luck" system which I plan to integrate which is not like any system I've been exposed to.

Compiling my own arms, armor, and equipment information. Since ships and horses are part of the setting I plan to compile alot of information about them to better simulate them for game purposes.

Did lolo know how to ride a horse? Lolo Ben was born in the 1930s and was around his late teens when the war broke out. Cars were plentiful but horses were as well, since they were the better means of transport when examining haciendas.

Quirk. If I made enough money, Id like to ride horses seasonally. My dad would go all around exploring the Philippines with his biker gang. I, on the other hand, would want to take a number of ponies (because they don't require a special diet) and hike along the cagayan valley with some like-minded adventurers. Of course its such a fanciful hobby, although, I wish that I was wealthy enough to do it with my kid. Nothing like hiking with dad across the river valley learning how to trail blaze.

Food and Energy Crisis, General Unrest, and Several Human rights abuses... you just need to light the powder keg.


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