My Linux Conversion is Almost Complete.

Open Source Baby! With Blender and Ogre3d I can now proceed to the challenging world of Linux. I've grown very accustomed to Open Office and I will eventually move my gaming to platform (if my little sister brings the Xbox and PS2 with her when she goes back to manila.

It is a slow path but I will get there. A computer that runs free from the many tangles of the escalating corporate software marketing. At least when i start working on the game proper everything is nice clean and a lot less complicated. Of course a large amount of technical proficiency is needed but at LEAST that raises my value and not the value of my work assets.

A company with Blender Skilled 3d Artists and Animators, and Using an Open License graphic and game engine pressing the advantage of operating expenses home will be a formidable force. It raises a big middle finger to the lumbering giants out there.

Mental Diarrhea. IF the Philippines did better and there was a growing middle class, I'd imagine the attitude to education and technology will make us a pretty advanced IT country. Education has always been a priority and a mark of distinction among Filipinos even in the most humblest ranks. In 10 years, if a decisive blow to corruption were to be made I could see the Philippines turning around and moving leaps and bounds. Give a chance an opportunity to a people who have known what lay across the unbridgeable gap of poverty and you open flood gates of progress.

10 years, almost 2 batches of graduates will change what the country will look like given that people feel that they can carve their own destiny and a more honest government.

The thought hit me when looking at how crowds in the LRT and MRT can be selfish, rude and desperate. The packed train full of commuters to jobs that have a lot of competition but pays poorly. People still go to work, even if the jobs are bad and the expense of their loved ones.

Working in a shipman training company, I am made all to aware the sacrifices seamen make to find work and the what little wealth they have, they shower to their loved ones. Filipinos in general, from the middle class down are made up of people with great character but difficult circumstances.

I cannot say the same about the oligarchy at the top which have for generations played with the lives of this greatly underestimated people. If you read your history books this all sound the same and what makes it worse is that this generation of oligarchs try to out do the corruption of their fathers (check out the controversy around Macapagals and WHY marcos was the winner).


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