Well Pretty Productive

programs are Down right now for a system check up. While I can't access some programs I need for work i'm reading up on some other programs and learning how to use them. I've downloaded all the free blender videos, unfortunately I left my ID (w/c attached to my flash disk) at home so I can't view it. A lot to study and I realized that being able to exercise what you learn immediately as you are instructed really helps speed up absorbtion.

Medieval Economic Data. Its pretty inaccurate compared to Lisa J. Steele's Fief especially when there are no dates involved an when the values are x10 difference in wages and x3 in incomes compared to Fief. But still useful when getting ball park ranges. Printed it out and when i closely studdied... i think the author has confused the value of a sou, livre and denier.


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