
Showing posts from November, 2007

Simple but not bad for a busy day

Some animation basics. Ok, I'm still trying to find out how to detail the ship and put designs on it, but thats the easy part right now. What is challenging is setting up the stage, the camera, and the atmospherics. I have a better idea now and what I need to learn is my scene limitations. I plan to make a simple traveller intro given our crew. Face modeling and animation is pretty far down the road. Having some key ship scenes ready is what I can achieve right now. Need to learn Glow effect for the thrusters, how to make the ship bend and stretch as it enters jump space, the wireframe glow as they power up for the jump, etc etc.

3ds Max

I'm getting the hang of it. Finished my Dragonfly model. Not that Great but today was rewarding given that I figured what has been bugging me out. Relearned the Basics and I have a better grasp of everything compared to when I studied it in school along with a ton of other subjects that distracted me. To make a good reel of sci-fi stuff I think I need to learn the following: Re-learn Animation Re-learn Lighting and Camera work Learn to Make Lasers, Explosions, Glowing thrusters, Learn Detailing Make a Space Background Funny thing is that I noticed I can do that old plan i had long ago to make a GIANT 3d map of the Phils for Mahadlika. Its not that Hard but Hell'a Time Consuming.

I'll be adding more of this later on.

Veteran GURPS. In RPGs you Grow and your tastes change. Me and Henry are into Social Characters. Its basically understanding the REAL world kinda thing for me. There are guns and there are smooth talkers. Everyone has explored the combat character, now its time to explore the talker. Its easy to make a challenging combat encounter. Its hard making a social encounter that is challenging and able to draw the attention of even the most devouted hack and slasher. IT is a fantasy game playing RPGs, reality need not apply, BUT its interesting when we experiment in various strengths other than Force or Tactics. Negotiation and Social Skills are my weak points. Its nice to figure them out in the safety of the gaming table. Psychology . B216 A successful skill roll will allow you to predict the general behavior . The Collins GEM English Dictionary Definition of Behavior is Manner of Behaving. It defines Behave as acting a particular or functioning in a particular way. General Behavior is a p...

Today I work on my 3d modelling.

3d . Since many of the 3d moddeling classes are not yet available. I'll work on the basics on my own. It will help me so that I won't have to spend on a Fundamentals Class and move quickly to advance. Ship design would be the first thing to practice on for 3d modeling. Especially when I have several sketches of ships down already. Right now I'm pretty geared up for an Ultra Light fighter that can be a very cheap substitute for the basic high end fighters in the book. No word . Still no word from SJ Games. 3 months after the article I wrote, not a single word if they rejected it or considered it. I bet there is something I'm not seeing since I'm not really part of the biz. Like if they say they will email me in 3 months that means "don't bother at all, we're not really looking, this is all just for lip service" . I'm feeling very disappointed about my favorite gaming company at the moment. Not even a "try again later" . Then I saw an ...

Made this for a Traveller Game

Dragonfly Class. Made this for the 400 dton Ox-Class heavy merchant for the Traveller Game I'm gearing up for. I got a go signal and Just working on the Ox Class specs and I'm pretty much done. 3d Tactics. Despite the 3ds of space, tactics will essentially be 2 dimensions. What has changed is the directions the enemy can flank the other force. I've checked the Hard science stuff, which unlike archaic or modern warfare, needs some reality trimming. Basically I made it that combat is much like the same basic elements of 2d war and modern war. There are the Assault Units (Carriers and their Fighters, Battleships and Gun Boats), Heavy Blocker Units (Dreadnaughts, Fortresses, Capitol Ships, etc.), and the Flankers (Cruisers, Corvettes, and Fighter Squadrons). In war there a basic principles: You have one team make a expected approach, a second team make the flanking approach, and the third team in reserve to capitalize an advantage or to cover the retreat. (from Ground force...

Old School

Anyway Chat is bugging now . Wanted to write something but she's bugging me :( Antagonism is the Old style of GMing . Thats the problem with an RPgame. Once this is what the players feel, its just down hill from there. Its the GM's universe once he jumps on the other side of the fence, it can only go down hill... who is to argue with God. Nikos said it best, although I can't remember it enough to repeat it. It was basically how it is futile to antagonize the players. That's why i approach it like a director. I'm not your enemy, I'm there to make the character look good and I do that by giving him/her a challenge that measures up your ability. Don't worry about failure it just heightens the drama focus on figuring the challenge out and beating it.


Working on other stuff . I have a Historical Gear Table , My Historical (obsessively correct Point Value) Templates, and Random Character Generator Tables for Ancient to medieval Eras in the works. I'm not satisfied with their current drafts and improving them while I learning new stuff. This kind of GM dedication is not that rare but a point of pride on my part.

Evolution: Traveller Races

Its hard to imagine Alien truly being Alien . Like that philosophy that we relate God has human aspects because it would be unfanthomable to imagine any other aspects. So instead of having Aliens in my traveller universe, I made all the races of Human stock and gave them divergent evolutionary paths. The Darrians are an example of what Factors it would take for Matriarchy to be successful. Drawing from what I've learned about why matriarchy fails in primitive human society, developed the Darrians (the Elves of Traveller) to be a successful Matriarchy during its most primitive history. It lead to a pretty alien perspective but within an imaginable level in my PoV. The Genoee are the opposite extreme. Drawing upon why males are larger than females and the factors that would heighten male dominance. The end result is a race that treats women as property or basically a race where women don't exist (because it is not women as we know them.. as people). Its not that its Ultra-chauvin...


At least production is moving . Anyway got this done. Its not that its hard, its more tiring and the fear of burning out. So I'm trying to keep a sustained pace. Traveller . Compulsively Preparing for a Game that has no players. Basically I want to hone what I've learned in GURPS mystery and my GMing in General. Looking for the opportunity. Fixed My Traveller Universe to make it as HARD sci-fi as I can. Made all the races derived from human stock, as per the setting's original premise. Used my TV knowledge of Anthropology and Human Evolution to make more realistic divergent evolutionary paths that make sense.

Gurps Mysteries

A really great GM book . If there was Game Mastering for Dummies (not just for DnD or GURPS ), Gurps Mysteries is the next level of Advanced Game Mastering. This is where the players grow up a little, they are not as interested in Hack and Slash anymore and they begin to lean on a more cerebral challenge. One of the best elements of this books is how to communicate clearly to your players through clues and hints in the game. Despite its focus on mystery, this books i great for any intrigue. Eventually mastering these technqies, format, and story telling will allow for games to have a very clear and sophisticated finish. An art onto itself, and not just a game. Of course the most important element is having fun. Fun is when you and the players are on the same page no matter what you throw at them to challenge their characters and give them a chance to shine. Filled with too much information . I'm excited at what I learned about armor smithing in the early Renaissance and late ...

Found a Place to repair it

My Epson C79 was reset . They kept repeating that the warranty was expired with the continuous ink supply installed. I didn't really care at P356.5 the general "maintenance cost of the machine is roughly 15% of the unit price and less than half the cost of an original cartridge. Strangely, the Hack program I download has just started working NOW that the printer is reset. Which leads me to think they may be using the same program OR I just accidentaly did something right just now. Either way, the printer is working just fine and has been aligned in the past 3 pages I've printed out so far (1 minute per Text quality page). It took a while to shake it to work. There was some frightening waiting time since it wouldnt not work despite that the computer seems to detect it but all it's tasks were piling up and not being done. I clicked on the tiny epson icon near the lower right hand corner beside the clock which showed me all the tasks in queue. I fiddled around with it...

Head in the sky

To the stars . I don't know how realistic this fusion rocket engine is, but its the most realistic and efficient among the other choices. I made an Open Office calc (practically an Exel program) calculating acceleration, time of travel, and fuel consumed. I'll leave it to the Pilot and Navigator's margin of success or failure to determined the tiny variables. I'm having doubts about how I figured the final Velocity over a Given Acceleration. What I did was (Accel * time in sec. ^2)/ time in sec to get the final velocity. Please correct me, I'm still digging up physics info around the web to check myself. I like the Age of Sail time of travel just between the moons of saturn and jupiter. I've just learned about the greek and trojan asteroid belts as well. There are is are several trillion tons worth of resources to process. Harvesting Gasses from Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune, Ice crystals from their rings, processing asteroids, and development of alternate p...

The Stars

Got into sci-fi lately . Bit off more than I could chew. It will take me weeks to "build" this setting up. Basically it is a sci-fi setting set in our own Solar System in a new age of frontier. I've found a Hard Sci-fi way of populating/ colonizing worlds and with minimal "hand-waving". Technology . The solar system has a lot of resources, the question is where does adventurers fit in and how has technology progressed in my sci-fi setting. Computers . The technology will Plateaus according to Murphy's laws. Adventurers, Colonists, and Explorers are more dependent on reliability than computing power. Look at Army electronics, because reliability is the main concern tech has not progressed much. Many will use a Linux based OS that does everything computers now can do but with fewer bugs and for free. Unfortunately, because of the lack of money in such OS its development is at a snails pace. Corporate hold on OS programing will more in Personal Palm compute...

Giving Up

I'm not that into it anymore . I'm over it. Its really my taste, it has changed. There is this thing I have about bringing one's frustrations to the game and gaming philosophy. I'm all one for professionalism and trying to make art with the game. But there are certain things that stress me. One is expectations. Nothing should go to waste. Players Should feel what they are getting for their character. Basically, I made a character designed to be the COMMON SENSE of the party. The character that would give insight to situations that the party can use in terms that I as a person do not know. Ex. I am an artist and have no business sense, negotiating sense, or any Lawyering ability. Put me in a legal situation ONE SHOULD NOT EXPECT ME TO FIND WHICH WAY IS UP? My character should, not me. I'm PRETENDING TO be a BUSINESS EXPERT I am NOT the businessman. I AM ROLE-PLAYING I'm not supposed to be expected to KNOW How legal processes work. Thats not fun :(