Found a Place to repair it

My Epson C79 was reset. They kept repeating that the warranty was expired with the continuous ink supply installed. I didn't really care at P356.5 the general "maintenance cost of the machine is roughly 15% of the unit price and less than half the cost of an original cartridge.

Strangely, the Hack program I download has just started working NOW that the printer is reset. Which leads me to think they may be using the same program OR I just accidentaly did something right just now. Either way, the printer is working just fine and has been aligned in the past 3 pages I've printed out so far (1 minute per Text quality page).

It took a while to shake it to work. There was some frightening waiting time since it wouldnt not work despite that the computer seems to detect it but all it's tasks were piling up and not being done.

I clicked on the tiny epson icon near the lower right hand corner beside the clock which showed me all the tasks in queue. I fiddled around with it as it seemed never to work again, and after a small break to rally my panic I found under Documents > reset option which got everything moving.


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