Today I work on my 3d modelling.

3d. Since many of the 3d moddeling classes are not yet available. I'll work on the basics on my own. It will help me so that I won't have to spend on a Fundamentals Class and move quickly to advance.

Ship design would be the first thing to practice on for 3d modeling. Especially when I have several sketches of ships down already. Right now I'm pretty geared up for an Ultra Light fighter that can be a very cheap substitute for the basic high end fighters in the book.

No word. Still no word from SJ Games. 3 months after the article I wrote, not a single word if they rejected it or considered it. I bet there is something I'm not seeing since I'm not really part of the biz. Like if they say they will email me in 3 months that means "don't bother at all, we're not really looking, this is all just for lip service".

I'm feeling very disappointed about my favorite gaming company at the moment. Not even a "try again later". Then I saw an article similar to mine bop up a couple of weeks ago with a similar template which kinda freaked me out. Could they have mined my article for what they liked and moved on? 3 months wait is a pretty long time to ask for a a no or a pay check and has a ton of ways to abuse the writer, especially when he writes from another country. A lot of vulnerabilities and not a lot of respect for that writer who puts that work on the line in good faith to that company. they could have emailed that they received in the first place. Instead they have a disclaimer is to wait for 3 months :(


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