So Many Lies
So Many Lies Currently the former managing director has been piling lie after lie. It has gotten so extreme that the lies are so incredible - in a meeting i was only there to witness, and not speak he said i sad he needs to be escorted by guards. One it is a lie that I spoke, another is that its a lie I would say that without having been given the order to have such happen. - that the i promised former recruitment head at he would be retained if he sold the MD out, just when i had 2 other witnesses and documented the meeting. I was warned early on, but to lie that much when there was that much evidence, witnesses, and contradiction to my character. - he made his wife plead for his job to the COO, and note she doesnt know about the call girl he hired as his personal EA and the nights he claimed he was at work which he never appeared in. We realized she was a call girl when we dug up her 201 file that was "lost" she failled all tests, and was clearly hired to be fucked. - He...