my 15mo. old sons milestons

  • he babbles more now
  • he's been giving us books to read to him.
  • he likes yellow a lot
  • hes being more adventurous and has begun walking, leaning on he wall and door frame for two or more steps. 
  • he can do the writing grip on his own sometimes. 
  • he has amazing device navigational skills
    • he knows the programs he wants to open: fruit ninja, piano, the videos, pix, picture book, etc. 
    • he can pick out music and videos
    • he attempts to play fruit ninja
    • he figures out some of the apps.
  • his tricks
    • bless/mano
    • "up here"
    • close-open
    • identify head
    • identify nose
  • can stack blocks, at most 3 tiers
  • can group blocks of similar shape


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