
Showing posts from August, 2011

Day Dreaming again: Internet Cafe by Day Call center by night

I've been staring so long at the spreadsheets at work and all the issues. I wonder if it would be a simpler life to have a call center internet cafe. First off, you cannot have the lax mindset of an internet cafe exist with the sudden and performance focused mindset of a call center. Second the revenue generation and HR pressures of call center agents and its operations staff is so demanding that the revenue and operations expense generated by functioning an internet cafe by day becomes such a waste in resources. Where a internet cafe can exist beside and complimentary to a BPO is as a training facility for agents and IT. By day the computers are internet browsers, word processors for clerical work, and for gaming for LAN and internet, but by night a work facility and possibly an emergency business continuity center. On week ends its play by night, work by day. As such, such a large and comfy internet or gaming cafe, situated in the more Industrial and less commercial centers...

Sick Again

I'm sick again. This came suddenly, I didn't see it coming and its symptoms were worse than the last time. The sore throat wasnt so bad because I started the Nasathera a bit early. Yesterday I had to leave work at around 3pm. I was feeling really weak and had sneezing fits. I was supposed to go to my other office in Libis, where I had a lot to do regarding IT and Facilities. I was just so weak, and I was worried I would be weaker, and wonder what might happen to me on the drive going there or going home. That night, I drank a lot of water. So much that I had to pee so often. Hydration therapy is a little more than drinking water, it is drinking more water than I'm used to. If one drinks 2 Liters a day (8 x 8ounce glasses), there should be a definite increase from that. I think I am drinking about 4-5 liters today, from the containers I've been refilling and their frequency. I had a bit of a fever last night, and sore throat that went away as the nasera and the hydr...

Breaking out with Hives

A really nice picture of me and my son in the morning. He wakes up so early, while my shift starts at 1pm. I wake up at 9am, my wife wakes up at 7am. I broke out in hives since last week. Its triggered by health and stress. last time it happened was around June. I'm listening to Black Company. Its the second time I'm reading this book. I can't believe how much I forgot. I usually remember so much because of the imagery that the words conjure up.

More Pictures of my Little Boy

Work can be so stressful. Especially with the problems we constantly face at work. I have to give a report every week and I'm kinda swamped with things to do. I try to figure out how much work I should be able to squeeze in given my writing and reading speed, and it appears I'd be lucky to get away with a sentence per item. unfortunately the condition of work is that the devil is in the details, and there are a lot of details. So I'm learning to not be so stressed at work and focus on what is important, despite the criminals we are dealing with in a regular basis (and the bribery and use of some of our own people being against us). I'm listening to starship troopers (w hich has a free audiobook ) and there is a lot of monologue on morality of man. Its disappointing how often people can be bribed to cheat you, compared to bribing to cut through red tape. Bribing to cut through red tape is very different from the other kind of bribery, one is to ethically endanger someo...

A Workout in 6 months

First workout in about 6 Months. I didn't push too hard, as what would normally happen to overcompensate (and because of the guilt). I worked out for about 45mins. I plan to be very gradual. Hopefully try to work out on MWF and Sunday. 45mins and many minutes in the heart rate of 130bpm. I'm biased to jogging because I can listen to my audiobook and fiddle on my Ipad. I have a long way to go. I just hit 176lbs on sunday. I got back to 170 today, but I have to take it easy. The subtle temptation to pig-out is strong since it takes effort to control myself and that can run a deficit of foresight. I really need to work my way to 160-165lbs, It will help my sleeping (minor apnia). good luck to me.

Mission of Honor Criticisms

The latest book of the honorverse series has got has been a bit frustrating me. It got to the point that I'm thinking of not finishing the book despite nearing the last chapters. I read the spoilers and decided to continue, anyway I'm looking forward to finally reading Heinlein's Starship troopers. Cast of thousands problem - if a writer is doing this to a point of exhaustion. That the additional characters and POVs are not anymore interesting or unique. I understand templates and creating interesting variations within a template, but unfortunately there is such an ambitious attempt to create so many POVs that there is deus-ex-machina showing in how the characters all think. Every separate nation has the same set of Metaphors. the frequency "riding the back of the tiger" by SLN and RMN I forget the third party that used the same metaphor. As compared to the frequency, like "words are wind" in ASoIF but its a reflexive metaphor for "BS give me some...

I'm feeling more lazy... no play just work

I feel more lazy. I've not been exercising unlike when I began the year and last year. I would normally jog in the treadmill, but work has unusual hours a few months ago. Now it seems to be improving and I'm considering going to start jogging again. Setting a sched is not that simple. One factor is that, I have to be in the Gym by 7am if I want a slot at the treadmill. Although it being a rainy season, I should try swimming again. Maybe I could just swim instead. Anyway I have pathetic upper body strength. I need to leave for my job in Eastwood from makati at around 4pm if I want to only spend 30-45mins driving there. View Larger Map Then I proceed to spend another 4-6 hours there. Ending at around 8-10pm, where I spend another 45-60mins getting home. If I can only go there 3x or 2x a week, then I can have dinner with my wife more often. Anyway i don't need to be there all the time. Maybe I'll just opt for Tuesday and Thursday there, and do the rest of the paper work ...

Self Improvement - Finding the Time

In my gamer blog I posted stuff about my self improvement strategies. I realized how slow it takes me to process and absorb information. I'm aware of my cognition studies terrible revelation about brain power (its down hill past 19-21, but experiences are ongoing). My perfect memory when I was young is an artifact of a body that no longer exists (given the 7 year renewal rule). Still, I'm working with what I have and its sad to say its not much. I'm clocking a slow 6wpm in writing stuff that captures my interest, stuff like a blogpost just like this one. I realize, my brain would have been farther down in capability had I not been blogging/writing as profusely as my hobby demanded/compelled me. My reading speed, in a test i did around this year or last, I clocked at 120wpm at what I considered ~90% comprehension. That is very slow when you consider the average of 250wpm at 70% or 200wpm when proofreading (which might be at 90% comprehension). So by far audiobooks, at 150-16...