I'm feeling more lazy... no play just work

I feel more lazy. I've not been exercising unlike when I began the year and last year. I would normally jog in the treadmill, but work has unusual hours a few months ago. Now it seems to be improving and I'm considering going to start jogging again.

Setting a sched is not that simple. One factor is that, I have to be in the Gym by 7am if I want a slot at the treadmill. Although it being a rainy season, I should try swimming again. Maybe I could just swim instead. Anyway I have pathetic upper body strength.

I need to leave for my job in Eastwood from makati at around 4pm if I want to only spend 30-45mins driving there.

Then I proceed to spend another 4-6 hours there. Ending at around 8-10pm, where I spend another 45-60mins getting home.

If I can only go there 3x or 2x a week, then I can have dinner with my wife more often. Anyway i don't need to be there all the time. Maybe I'll just opt for Tuesday and Thursday there, and do the rest of the paper work in makati? I have to run that past my bosses. If I can spend 2 days a week in Eastwood/libis I can have dinner with my wife about 3x a week.

Exercise could be x2 a week. Tuesday and Thursday... (why not start today?) Its possible... I've not ruled that out completely. I just had a nutela sandwich for breakfast and instant milk tea.

I guess my problem with swimming, despite how more effective it is for my health, is that jogging lets me listen to audiobooks. That reminds me, I should find a media player for the nokia e63 that allows me to fast forward to parts of a music. I checked the cost of various mp3 players and looked for one that can allow me to fastforward to certain parts, since my audiobooks can be large and i cannot easily bookmark/pause my progress unlike in my old treo 680.
Anhyway, daylight is wasting and I need to go to work soon. Hopefully i can have more sustainable hours. I'm such a slow riser, it doest help I'm really grumpy in the morning.


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