A Workout in 6 months

First workout in about 6 Months. I didn't push too hard, as what would normally happen to overcompensate (and because of the guilt). I worked out for about 45mins.

I plan to be very gradual. Hopefully try to work out on MWF and Sunday. 45mins and many minutes in the heart rate of 130bpm. I'm biased to jogging because I can listen to my audiobook and fiddle on my Ipad.

I have a long way to go. I just hit 176lbs on sunday. I got back to 170 today, but I have to take it easy. The subtle temptation to pig-out is strong since it takes effort to control myself and that can run a deficit of foresight. I really need to work my way to 160-165lbs, It will help my sleeping (minor apnia).

good luck to me.


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