Self Improvement - Finding the Time

In my gamer blog I posted stuff about my self improvement strategies. I realized how slow it takes me to process and absorb information. I'm aware of my cognition studies terrible revelation about brain power (its down hill past 19-21, but experiences are ongoing). My perfect memory when I was young is an artifact of a body that no longer exists (given the 7 year renewal rule).

Still, I'm working with what I have and its sad to say its not much. I'm clocking a slow 6wpm in writing stuff that captures my interest, stuff like a blogpost just like this one. I realize, my brain would have been farther down in capability had I not been blogging/writing as profusely as my hobby demanded/compelled me.

My reading speed, in a test i did around this year or last, I clocked at 120wpm at what I considered ~90% comprehension. That is very slow when you consider the average of 250wpm at 70% or 200wpm when proofreading (which might be at 90% comprehension). So by far audiobooks, at 150-160wpm is the fastest rate I can learn at around 90% comprehension.

Brainpower wise, I'm on the slow side if I look at the averages I can find (the sooner I grasp the reality the quickly I can move on to min-max). Its really my interests that got me able to comprehend the complexity work and keep me from completely being useless.

It makes me realize that my brother, Gaspar, and I are exactly the same genetic potential, the only difference is that he got the worse side of the circumstance as the middle child. Melchior is really the, given genetic potential, smarter one by a very large margin.

Still I have a bit of a memory, thanks to the mnemonics of story telling and some habits that make me see details I would normally ignore given other circumstances. It helps that I'm acutely aware of my limitations and will be more vigilant to maintain and, if possible, improve on my attributes.

Given such a slow reading capability, I think being born well off is one of the key things going for me. Reading speed is an immense advantage. Reading at my rate, makes it an experience that tests anyone's patience. It doesn't help I have poor eyesight as well and good books are pretty expensive at 3rd worlds.

I hope my son doesn't have that poor reading ability, but at least he will have a fall back with audio learning. Hope he gets his mothers talents, given how easily distracted he is worrying me already. So distracted that he doesn't feed properly (that family ability to forget to eat and drink when we have to).

Self control is something that gets better with age, despite how much the brain slides downhill through time. Hopefully its the key that allows me to power through learning what I need to know. I have a ton of stuff to read and almost no time to do it. I also have a ton of things to write and analyze.

I wish I had a better brain, but don't we all.


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