
Showing posts from March, 2011

Calling Bullshit

I learned from my mentor a cute and handly little trick: Give the bullshiter enough rope to hang by. Thats why I always have email correspondence and minutes of conversations emailed to all concerned parties. Currently, as an example thesis I'm dealing with a bullshiter at work. The company we own, that he works with has been a liability and the character of these managers are continuously under question. My Bullshiter senses keep alarming at the amount of flattery this guy gives us, compared to all other employees. So what did I do, I'm sorting his bullshit from the truth. Interestingly HOURS and HOURS in the forums debating with Psychopaths and fellow freethinkers have taught me how to sort bullshit from fact. Of course my not-for-credit studies have helped immensely. Giving them Rope . An honest person will do what he says and will admit to their own faults because thats what honest people do. I admit that work doesn't need honest people, but it DOES need results. And a ...

Little things

Half the night, our baby sleeps on my chest. He likes sleeping chest down, which scares us because of SIDS. So the best way to let him sleep that way is to have him sleep on us. It compromises our sleeping position but it eases our state of mind. One's own kid will always be the cutest kid parents will know, most of the time it simply cause it is the kid they know best. I've read an article about how the baby's smell is supposed to ease the father. I do love how our baby smells, even if he only has sponge baths and he doesn't brush his teeth. I can smell the milk in his breath. In this article about how the baby's smell affects dad: I think lowering my testosterone levels won't create any affect except that of influencing balding lol. At least today I got some good sleep. but as the dad, I do a lot more chores cause mom is exhausted feeding him near continuously.

Head Ache, again and a lot of things

I'm a busy bastard. It is nice to be needed. Right now I'm taking a break because I'm exhausted. Today was one of those days the baby fed every other hour last night. He takes an hour to feed and another hour he sleeps. So what happened was that the misus and I didn't get much sleep. Later in the day the baby will have his 3hour naps which allows her to sleep... but I still have to work. I have a secretary now. I will need to delegate some tasks for her but right now my mind is kind of broken. There is a small matter of office, I am in a temporary office and my secretary has no work station. It will take a few days to fix, since this is low priority. I will also be training her in some basics I've taken for-granted. Particularly some basic word processor-fu, search-fu, probably some spreadsheet-fu, and how to arrange and organize a research paper. Yikes, I know how to do all that?! Not so long ago I called my self a bum, and now I know how to do a ton of things that...

I smell like baby poop

He pooped 4 "mega" poops from 10am to 12:30pm. I think thats a record. What I mean "mega" poop was diaper breaching poop. Twice it spilled over, so it was kind of difficult. He is now consuming about ?2 ounces/ 60ml every 2 hours. He has a particular position he likes to sleep in, that scares his mom and I. It is a position where his but is raised up and he's face is planted on the side. His hands are supporting his head and he legs are curled to his belly with his feet poised to spring (if he was strong enough). its the position he would be in, if I was trying to burp him on my shoulder but I would be lying down. When he cries, determine the cause. - Is it gass (needs to be burped) - Is it a sleeping position - Is it temperature - is it anything different that can be visually observed... - last is if it is food, that is when i have to get the wife to breast feed him. - if he still crying, go through the checklist again to see if we missed something. His unc...

Social Inequality: Bad, Good, or just a Fact

Dan Arielly had this old survey about what people thought about Social Inequality (Wealth Inequality) It is one of the more contentious matters of research. In economics, wealth inequality happens to occur naturally. Its not something bad, it just happens. As an organization grows, like a triangle scaling larger, the area gets bigger while the upper tip gets higher. Because Market Forces act like a natural selection, where organization that meet the requirements and demands of the public grow in influence and power, economically it is more efficient to let such practical forces dictate what works or what doesn't. In politics, wealth/social inequality compromises democracy if democracy would be described as consensus building decision making process where each member has a different POV and near equal level of influence. When one influence and POV overshadows all other POVs, then it is not a true consensus but more of "might ma...

Unarmed but still Dangerous - Dealing with Internet Trolls - the Cognitive Therapy Approach

Unarmed but still Dangerous - Dealing with Internet Trolls - the Cognitive Therapy Approach I need to put this here cause its going to be usefull at work. This can be good sales proceedure when dealing with hostility. Ideally we DRILL this into our sales (or anyone who deals with clients). Usually when clients get off-the kilter mad people get hurt and drained. Although simulations and role-playing sessions can drill the worse of the experience out of the trainee. I have a plan to develop a Partner Negotiation system as our common practice. No one goes on sales-call alone to deal with clients. The purpose is to: 1) To provide a sense of security, with a colleague present. 2) The partner is there to step in, when the other is at wits end or sees an advantage or opening. 3) One can observe and analyze while the other illicits a reaction or entertains. 4) One can keep notes, when necessary 5) there will be a more detailed report as there are more witnesses

5000 displacement Tonne Limit.

Aww, I missed the Creationist Conference in Portland : Pharyngula : "It's also a surprise to learn that creationists are also trying to build a 'life'-sized copy of Noah's Ark in the Pacific Northwes" Building a ship out of wood has a 5000 displacement tonne Limit (the size of the Zeng He ships ). If they argue, God was the engineer and made a wood design that could exceed the engineering limit, then we have a slippery slope as to: "Why Build a Ship that requires Magic to keep it together?" . of course, no evidence will ever change the opinion of a crack pot.

Wish i had Internet at Home.

We inherit crap from our parents . I think the reason why I grew to resent my parents is because we see the crap they inherited and how from my point of view as their child, didn't see the history that has caused it all. Mom has a tendency to cast me in a bad light in front of people. It happened in a party, I think I blogged it before. But it happened again with my new boss. My wife is the one telling me that she probably doesn't mean it, and my experience with people is that people grow up not to say sorry in harsher environs. I can't see my mom ever apologizing for that, simply cause in the authoritative style of parenting they grew up with and is ingrained to them because of even their belief system, there is nothing to apologize for. Not that an apology is needed, its just that I think its going to be a habit and it really damages my credibility when I dealing with another person when talking about business for the benefit of the family (no good reason to shoot down a...

Being a bit more involved

Well it is a new thing that the husband is there every step of the way in the first weeks of the baby' birth. I know among my friends, it is commonplace, but at work it is uncommon. I have to say that I can compare the sleepness nights to Hazing. Sleep deprivation is a key step in brain washing because it denies the brain the ability to get past recent events and build up tolerance or a point of view that better deals with it. I guess voluntarily losing sleep for your baby is different from Hazing, as it helps bond and is part of the commitment. The coping mechanism, humor and writing, help make such experiences great foundations to relationships and what these all mean. My brother is not my squire . My brother Gaspar will be coming back from New Jersey to live and work with us. He won't be my assistant, as my mom would joke. He has been forced to own a business and responsibilities far beyond his level of competence. What realistically happens, and unlike many stories, people...