Being a bit more involved

Well it is a new thing that the husband is there every step of the way in the first weeks of the baby' birth. I know among my friends, it is commonplace, but at work it is uncommon.

I have to say that I can compare the sleepness nights to Hazing. Sleep deprivation is a key step in brain washing because it denies the brain the ability to get past recent events and build up tolerance or a point of view that better deals with it.

I guess voluntarily losing sleep for your baby is different from Hazing, as it helps bond and is part of the commitment. The coping mechanism, humor and writing, help make such experiences great foundations to relationships and what these all mean.

My brother is not my squire. My brother Gaspar will be coming back from New Jersey to live and work with us. He won't be my assistant, as my mom would joke.

He has been forced to own a business and responsibilities far beyond his level of competence. What realistically happens, and unlike many stories, people meet with failure and frustration. I've been there. Success is not a "Gift from God", it is when things come together naturally based on the resources available. In fact, one can treat success, not as success but merely consequences, and move on and learn from each instance and neither dwelling at success or failure.

My brother needs to see, with his own eyes that I am as incapable, human, flawed and working with only the resources given to me. He needs to see that success, or a positive consequence can still happen even with such short comings and really it is the attitude and critical thinking ability (which he already posses) are what is needed. There is no illusion or magic behind the skills that make a business work: just hard work and determination to correct mistakes and personal flaws. People are a work constantly in progress, and it doesn't matter what point they are in their accomplishment - they are still working on their flaws and dealing with their weaknesses.

My mom's initial plans were to base him in our factory in the province. I don't think ISOLATION would be very helpful for his psyche as it would not be as helpful if it were anyone else.

I think my brother will be in a more healthy emotional environment with me. I've grown up and I'm going to have to withstand a few waves that hit me, I think I can weather them now. Strangely, nothing much has changed with me except the circumstances, and yet it feels like there was as much character change for me.

Maybe it was the hazing my son gave me and my wife. unlike all the other arguments, it was in these troubles we realized more explicitly we were all in the same side.

I need Gaspar because the company needs him. Gaspar means business, can keep a house in order and running smoothly. He was always the conservative brother, being contrary and considering what is not being said. Growing up with such a background will be a great asset when he comes to dealing with these problems. Ideally he will work with me with the accounting exercises I've designed for myself: Build a Balance Sheet for a 11Century Manor, 1st Century Roman Villa, 5C BC Chinese or Levantine/Mediteranian households. Also, I hope he can practice with me with my mandarin studies.

ok, urgent business downstairs to attend to.


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