Calling Bullshit
I learned from my mentor a cute and handly little trick: Give the bullshiter enough rope to hang by. Thats why I always have email correspondence and minutes of conversations emailed to all concerned parties.
Currently, as an example thesis I'm dealing with a bullshiter at work. The company we own, that he works with has been a liability and the character of these managers are continuously under question. My Bullshiter senses keep alarming at the amount of flattery this guy gives us, compared to all other employees.
So what did I do, I'm sorting his bullshit from the truth. Interestingly HOURS and HOURS in the forums debating with Psychopaths and fellow freethinkers have taught me how to sort bullshit from fact. Of course my not-for-credit studies have helped immensely.
Giving them Rope. An honest person will do what he says and will admit to their own faults because thats what honest people do. I admit that work doesn't need honest people, but it DOES need results. And a dishonest person cannot fake results for long. Thats why we have those emails and those documents of action, the paper trail that makes US ALL accountable: even the boss.
Dominant Strategy:
- Bullshiter: Does nothing, Passes the buck to Me
- Since I don't have the necessary information and resources to succeed, project fails.
- Who gets the fail mark: Me, and bullshiters coast along earning x5 what I earn (repeating the past two years I was in the company)
I guess keeping things Accountable has become one of my obsessions. Both for me and everyone else around me. Its not like I'm a harsh person with impossible standards, but I'm quite the opposite. My standards are Humanistic and I try to work with those who clearly want to work for the better. So I have no room for Bullshiters, and my logical response automatically mistrust.
My mentor is very concerned about credibility and honesty. I'm happy that he has such high standards for such. We survived on credibility, despite all the odds. I'm not about to forget our best advantage.
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