
Showing posts from April, 2010

Knowing what goals are

Learning Blender, most of my speed bumps are not being able to find answers to the right questions. What I mean by right questions is that, I know what the idea is called the problem is that there are not any answers easily found. Materials and Texture was a problem, but I figured it out luckily today after almost 2 days of searching. Now it is box, loop, and brush select which is easily found but my version doesn't seem to have it. I need my condo plans and facial reference pics. I'll move back and forth learning from the two, switching when I'm stuck so that I'm not wasting time trying to figure one problem when there are easier problems with the other project. Will try to reconstruct where my wife and i live as a project. facial modeling is control knowledge mastery of the program. Especially when I'm trying to have the same grasp of controls the guys in their tutorials. And I happen to like that. I guess, after the condo reconstruction scenery is next. trying t...

Woke up to my dust allergy

Dust allergy sucks, but unlike before where I had to snort water there is a drug that clear up my sinuses much better. I didn't know that when i was a kid every time my sinuses closed up it was like a near death experience. close my mouth and i'll turn blue. I grew up near a jeepeney route, and in the pollution was really bad. It blackened the walls of the house. The amount of black dust that accumulates on our old house, doesn't leave much to the imagination what gets into my lungs. Living in a condo, several floor up the air quality has improved and the mosquito presence has gone down. I don't think I can afford to live in a regular house, while my income depends on the city and all the good homes in villages cost about Php15-30 million. The air quality difference when you compare the US and the Philippines is pretty big. Even when you compare makati to another US city. People repaint their building walls, if they are not mostly glass, every year or two years. Views o...

Wasted my Life and Time with Theology

4 years of Theology: Catholic history, canon and Catechism, 4 years of Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas 4 years of Latin 4 years of extra curricular catholic activities and participation. 18 units of Religion, because of bureaucratic error FUCK!!! I could have learned something else more USEFUL like Mandarin, MATH, SCIENCE, LOGIC and Computers! (1994-1998). The reason I'm only NOW catching up with my math, science and economics studies. I know some kids had it worse, but arguing with post rationalization: I freaking would have KICKED MORE ASS! It was my hobbies of Gaming that pushed me to be better in Math and Science! I fucking hate how it stole a BIG chunk of my life away Directly and INDIRECTLY!!! would I have not spent so much time getting my act together if I was taught critical thinking, logic, history (stuff I continually study now)? Hell YEAH!

Giant Spider in our kitchen.

Giant Spider in the Kitchen. Ok, as a nerd I know my basics about insects. Having a giant ass spider in the kitchen basically means, leaving the bits of food out has created an eco-system that attracted creatures big enough for the spider to prey on. Aw fuck! Its big enough to eat the lizards, and thats what it must have been doing waiting in the bottom of the sink where bits of food can be found that attract the lizard population. It is as big as the spiders in the exotic pet stores. It must have come from outside. It make look small from the picture, but given how eyes work, how it naturally zooms in the details, its huge. My hand is there to scale. As a predator hunts prey without a web, it must be strong enough to wrestle a lizard as big at its main body. Damn those claws are huge.

Dreams again

Now a Chad dream. Chad is they psychopath I used to work with. A compulsive liar and slacker, who will throw someone on the path of the bus without the slightest hesitation or for the littlest threat to himself. So, a psychopath has deeply scarred me. Whoopdidoo . Anyway, I guess this has come about from the psychopath that has been trolling FF and have exposed one of our members regarding plagiarism. my stance of plagiarism - First understand why I don't plagiarize. I grew up with my parent's praise regarding how I write. My reasons for communicating is more of vanity than it is of communicating effectively. Copy-pasting the best explanation out there is more efficient than using my own words, so it is in a way better than writing something not as well and confusing people. As for the words of others, I feel that such people feel great being quoted or being used as the best explanation. I know I would, of course it different when they don't quote the source and imply this ...

I keep fracturing

I must have written 6 partial short essays. Every time I break to the next paragraph I diverge too much from the main idea. I fracture into separate lesser ideas. It seems that I want something that I'm saying meaty enough while trying to force another idea to support it. In the end, every supporting idea can somewhat stand on their own but seem to be disconnected from the original. So it keeps fracturing... Uggg! Oh well. Cooling down from my Game in the Brain blog. I got a lot of hits and there is a tendency to feedback into spending more time in writing up shit for it. So right now I'm cooling off and trying to starve the compulsion by spending my times on things that are better, long term, for me.

Weird Dream again

Everyone gets weird dream. My wife had one about serial killers in their village and how people chose to ignore them as they moved closer into their secure boundaries. Mine was being someone else and having to raise a little girl that was blind. It was really sad. I know it was a dream but it was depressing and why my subconscious would want to dwell on the matter is more about curiosity of how my motivations would unravel. As we are always VERY different from who we are in dreams, it kinda interesting when I take on being people who are so different from me It makes my imaginations go wild.


Took 4,277 to words to explain the difference between proof and evidence. Innerminds, in one comment summed it up in 100. Sure he says its a difference here: '' the definitions of proof and evidence in law are indeed different from their definitions in science and the theory of knowledge. However, my article is concerned with proof and evidence only within the context of science and epistemology . ". He basically threw out the freaking "average" audience and went Intellectually Elitists. Oh and the argument where we disagreed, it seems someone has not been "faithful" to his own definitions and does follow his own advice in careful use of words . Geeeeezz I hate these snobs. Who wants to read books and learn when its an action associated with such people. The best thing that came out about this his compulsion is when he posted an article to "patamaan" to intended to make me flinch . Made me flinch alright, who wants to read 4277 words which ...

Dance for Me

Push the right buttons and they will dance for you ... I guess people who take themselves too seriously can't take sarcasm and the " Poe "too well. I was really impressed by how one of my comments resulted in 4 counter comments from the same person. I would call that rolling a margin of success of 5 in my argument roll. Particularly when my opponent accuses me of being "poor user of words". Doest the the fact that he requires 4 post to answer my 1 give any hint to who fails to use his words in efficient economy. I am reveling and I can't help it. When I get a pedantic armchair philosopher who is as much as a loser as I am, thinking he is better than me or my friends, I get a big kick showing otherwise while exercising some manipulation. I'm not that good in finishing him off now that he is thoroughly ticked. I don't get that much practice in the winning part, because of my mediocrity. I like getting them to make ad hominems , attacking me, or accu...

Collateral Murder

Found it at PZ's Watching I realized: 1 - I understand initiative from my lessons, but I also understand how cognitive bias and expectations can cloud judgement. Its Iraq and Hot, I'm aware it can be night time because the video is BW for lowlight purposes. Those long things they were swinging around could have been umbrellas, used earlier in the day. 2- Around the time people Cite the RPG-like weapon, notice the way they were carrying it. The relaxed activity should have been noted and used to gauge what is going on. The clear excitement of the gunner should have been warning signs to the captain or commander. If it WAS a night shot, then the helicopter was safe to observe till a CERTAIN positive identification can be made. For all you know it was a Poster or Blueprints in a Architect Carrying satchel. Even the probably weight can be seen from the way they swung it, if they tipped over from the mass. 3 - In the Prisoners Dillema, of Shoot-first or be Shot the instant they knew...