Collateral Murder

Found it at PZ's

Watching I realized:
1 - I understand initiative from my lessons, but I also understand how cognitive bias and expectations can cloud judgement. Its Iraq and Hot, I'm aware it can be night time because the video is BW for lowlight purposes. Those long things they were swinging around could have been umbrellas, used earlier in the day.
2- Around the time people Cite the RPG-like weapon, notice the way they were carrying it. The relaxed activity should have been noted and used to gauge what is going on. The clear excitement of the gunner should have been warning signs to the captain or commander. If it WAS a night shot, then the helicopter was safe to observe till a CERTAIN positive identification can be made. For all you know it was a Poster or Blueprints in a Architect Carrying satchel. Even the probably weight can be seen from the way they swung it, if they tipped over from the mass.
3 - In the Prisoners Dillema, of Shoot-first or be Shot the instant they knew there was a helicopter means they would have scrambled and shot first.
4 - And where are the weapons after they were all shot up. An RPG is hard to miss lying on the ground. WTF!!! There was no RPG! They all died on the SPOT but where the F*CK is the RPG!


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