Wasted my Life and Time with Theology
4 years of Theology: Catholic history, canon and Catechism,
4 years of Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas
4 years of Latin
4 years of extra curricular catholic activities and participation.
18 units of Religion, because of bureaucratic error

4 years of Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas
4 years of Latin
4 years of extra curricular catholic activities and participation.
18 units of Religion, because of bureaucratic error

I could have learned something else more USEFUL like Mandarin, MATH, SCIENCE, LOGIC and Computers! (1994-1998). The reason I'm only NOW catching up with my math, science and economics studies. I know some kids had it worse, but arguing with post rationalization: I freaking would have KICKED MORE ASS!
It was my hobbies of Gaming that pushed me to be better in Math and Science! I fucking hate how it stole a BIG chunk of my life away Directly and INDIRECTLY!!! would I have not spent so much time getting my act together if I was taught critical thinking, logic, history (stuff I continually study now)? Hell YEAH!
It was my hobbies of Gaming that pushed me to be better in Math and Science! I fucking hate how it stole a BIG chunk of my life away Directly and INDIRECTLY!!! would I have not spent so much time getting my act together if I was taught critical thinking, logic, history (stuff I continually study now)? Hell YEAH!
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