
Showing posts from February, 2010

Seeing What I want to See

I'm still thinking about psychopaths. My preoccupation about them is lingering at the: irrationality of empathy. Is empathy irrational? Empathy is a big picture part of the brain. It allows us to value relationships and see ourselves part of a much larger organism: humanity. Empathy allows me to value my spouse, offspring, friends and neighbors. It even allows me to feel something for someone I don't have any relation too. Examining it, the welfare of humanity as an organism is only a concern to those of us who value its future. Long after we are dead, our contributions live on to serve our genetic, memetic, intellectual off spring. There is that comfort as positive contributing members of society they will remain happy long after they forget us, since we live in their positive contributions . Its the same in the way I see my parents and grandparent's actions. They may have done some things differently, but their intention are the same as mine. If my grandfather were still ...

Psychopaths and Objectivism

No wonder they're scary. Objectivism is basically a way to promote a psychopathic agenda. Game Theorists and Psychopathic agenda will one day come head to head. As I've said before, Game Theory allows one's empathy, one's humanity, to augment their intelligence. Allocentrism, a skill that allows one to hone's their empathy with discipline and methodology will find those skills very useful when you consider the existence of Psychopaths. It was always nagging at me, why objectivists can't understand certain humanistic values like order, society, fairness, temperance, welfare, empathy etc. it escaped me before, but it doesnt anymore. Functional and Successful Psychopaths can exist within the doctrine of Objectivism. It shouldn't be a surprise, it was staring right at my face and I didn't see it. I'm sure I'm not the first to have noticed it or linked the two, but the awareness of such should be considered when developing certain strategies with dea...

objetivist rhertoric

Interesting, listening to this objectivist lecture . It is interesting because, it oversimplifies the same factors that is accused of Socialism. What is interesting is that, it disses math. The speaker, with "rehtorics" attempts to put math in a bad light. Math, is bad? Hmmm... Why such a person would see math as bad. The very truth and power math has given people to understand the world around them. One of the startling concepts these people, shock me with is their ignorance about accumulated power and monopoly. Regulation prevent monopoly, and the very regulation they hate and persecute are the very laws that "evolved" through science to better suit the realities of interactive forces. Doesnt this kind of anti-math rhetoric remind you of Religious rhetoric that attacks Reason and asks Faith in its place? An evolution of propaganda, now that Faith is easily dismissed because of the little investment it takes to realize the value of evidence and empiricism; Math is ...

Observing mutations in my family

Spatial Intelligence applies to estimation of values and measurements. It is also has an effect on risk quotient. What I find interesting is my Mom's story of her work in standard chartered bank. As an accountant, part of her job was allocating estimations and predictions regarding certain budgets and funds. Something my mom is very proud of is how, in her job which allowed for variations of 10-15%, she would get things right at a level of 1-2%. This is the reason she rose pretty quickly up the ranks. Considering she was able to juggle 5 kids, a household, my dad's eccentricities, social obligations and her devotions. It makes me quite aware of her remarkable spatial intelligence. My mom buys boxes of clothes from the US to give as gifts to employees. Her ability to make a reliable and precise observation regarding sizes and values comes into play often in these exercises. I also see this in how she manages things through this particular advantage influencing her methods. Look...

More from Qualia Soup: Putting Faith in its Place

For those who don't understand the uses of this, consider how difficult it is to communicate certain ideas. Watching this video and trying to describe the experience to someone else with what you can take away for just yourself. I find watching this over and over again helpful in understanding why such ideas are so hard to explain. Note: i can't get my wife to watch this

Sun Tzu's Desperate Ground

In the later chapters of the Art of war, Sun Tzu talks about desperate ground a lot. There is something interesting when you pry open his technique and look at it with game-theory. The psychology of desperate soldier is marked by the risks he is prepared to make. It is not just one soldier who is prepared to take great risk, but an organized group of them. Imagine a rows of men, moving with great purpose and simultaneous like a wave. Some may fall, but they do not stop to think of it, they know they will die at the slightest hesitation so they attack with out thinking and distractions. The opponent, reflexively takes the cautious and defensive stance. Instantly the desperate have seized the pace of the battle. Desperate ground is marked by the quality of decisiveness in ordinary men. Decisiveness amidst the confusion and fog of combat, gives the warrior control of the battle's flow. In the Art of War, these is the second and last anecdote with Sun Tzu. The way Sun Tzu communicates ...

Value of your time

Click on the title for the link to the article . My comment was. I agree with this. I came out with the same conclusion after studying all the Smart Phones and all the tablets for the use of our company and my own personal use. It took me three days comparing each one speck for speck. The bottom line was simply life-style accommodation. Between sitting down and working, and standing up-walking around and working, the tablet occupies a precarious middle that is currently overlapped by many laptops and netbooks and smart phones. There is a net book by Asus (the ee PC T91) that costs $450 that does all what a Netbook can do and is a Tablet. So it also has a keyboard you can fold out. It is basically a E-Reader, Tablet and a Netbook all-in-one. If you want something revolutionary I'd rather wait for the 6th-sense. Although it is a free market, being informed, and skeptical, allow for the best use this freedom. As it is easier to cling to cherished beliefs rather than reflecting on t...

The Economy of all Actions.

What does Evolution reinforce among the limits of my understanding? It is another example of trade-offs in the economics of all things. One of those traps I get into with a great Idea is the pit of possibilities I can extrapolate from it. It is easy to get carried away with ideas, especially since I consider my self a nerd. My wife would point out how much I poke and prod ideas, by the way it occupies my language for a duration. Currently, I'm in my game theory phase. I've looked at everything with the game-theory idea of degrees of information perfection, bounded knowledge, signals, scanning, reactions, commitments, etc... There was the time I was trying to look the principle of straw man argument the way people communicated even the most harmless ideas. Then there was there was the empirical principle and knowledge. I'm quite aware that I am a transparent rorchark test. I look for the patterns I want to see too eagerly. I really can't help it, I am severly limited by ...