Seeing What I want to See
I'm still thinking about psychopaths. My preoccupation about them is lingering at the: irrationality of empathy. Is empathy irrational? Empathy is a big picture part of the brain. It allows us to value relationships and see ourselves part of a much larger organism: humanity. Empathy allows me to value my spouse, offspring, friends and neighbors. It even allows me to feel something for someone I don't have any relation too. Examining it, the welfare of humanity as an organism is only a concern to those of us who value its future. Long after we are dead, our contributions live on to serve our genetic, memetic, intellectual off spring. There is that comfort as positive contributing members of society they will remain happy long after they forget us, since we live in their positive contributions . Its the same in the way I see my parents and grandparent's actions. They may have done some things differently, but their intention are the same as mine. If my grandfather were still ...