Value of your time
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My comment was.
My comment was.
I agree with this. I came out with the same conclusion after studying all the Smart Phones and all the tablets for the use of our company and my own personal use. It took me three days comparing each one speck for speck. The bottom line was simply life-style accommodation. Between sitting down and working, and standing up-walking around and working, the tablet occupies a precarious middle that is currently overlapped by many laptops and netbooks and smart phones.
There is a net book by Asus (the ee PC T91) that costs $450 that does all what a Netbook can do and is a Tablet. So it also has a keyboard you can fold out. It is basically a E-Reader, Tablet and a Netbook all-in-one. If you want something revolutionary I'd rather wait for the 6th-sense.
Although it is a free market, being informed, and skeptical, allow for the best use this freedom. As it is easier to cling to cherished beliefs rather than reflecting on them. Most people would rather take Apple's word, because they don't realize the value of digging for their own answers may be far greater than the loss they would experience if Apple was wrong: that it is not the product for you.
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