objetivist rhertoric

Interesting, listening to this objectivist lecture. It is interesting because, it oversimplifies the same factors that is accused of Socialism. What is interesting is that, it disses math. The speaker, with "rehtorics" attempts to put math in a bad light.

Math, is bad? Hmmm... Why such a person would see math as bad. The very truth and power math has given people to understand the world around them.

One of the startling concepts these people, shock me with is their ignorance about accumulated power and monopoly. Regulation prevent monopoly, and the very regulation they hate and persecute are the very laws that "evolved" through science to better suit the realities of interactive forces.

Doesnt this kind of anti-math rhetoric remind you of Religious rhetoric that attacks Reason and asks Faith in its place? An evolution of propaganda, now that Faith is easily dismissed because of the little investment it takes to realize the value of evidence and empiricism; Math is attacked, because few people can understand it (and the general attitude regarding math doesn't really help).

Monopoly, has its origins in Primogenitur - the concept that allowed families in power to pass along this assets intact to next generations. This allowed for power to accumilate over an amount of time, far greater than one's own life span. Power and Influence grew to levels that dominated everyone else and subverted everything to its own singular advantage. At this point, on random instances of self-lessness: Those who earned the title "The great" Charlamaine, Alfred, Catherine, etc... were those who allowed others to entrepreneur by opening up opportunity through: trade, education, and rights.

Interesting, how craziness and stupidity can accumulate so many degrees. Without the tempering of science and humanism, it seems psychopaths who operate on a parasitic strategy have begun to thrive. (parasitic, and not even symbiotic).

I stumbled on this when I was looking for barbarians at the gates, and how gametheory explained this economic bail out. If subjectivist don't use science and math to come to their conclusions, then what makes their point of views valid?

Ojectivism has more in common with religion, than free thinking or scientific philosophy. Arbitrary thinking, without the tempering discipline of science, empiricism, pragmatism, rationalism, etc.

So are Trekkie are totally anti-objectivist: The good of the many outweigh the good of the few?

I wonder how much do Objectivists understand about Evolution and natural selection?


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