Gaming and Religion
This thread (link in the title) was bound to happen. In threads that talk about Inquisition, Religous Intolerance, Fanaticism as GOOD things is quite offensive to atheists. Still the atheists roll with teh punches. There are many gaming concepts that are insulting to atheists. Particularly Theocracies and how some Gamers Love the Warhammer 40k theocracy in their games. My brother loves that stuff. I can play the Poe, but knowing threads that Glorify the Crusade tends to piss me off. Especially since the people who go crazy about crusades never really studied the First Really Big one and learned what went on with it. My brother hates it when I "preach" or basically bring up the real world history about things. So I don't... and thats where much of the game style changed. The closest I will come to Combat is in the simulation games I've played in airsoft. Imagination , discussion and studiousness has done a lot to give me a better sense of scale about the matter. I be...