Roots of Dependency

Roots of Dependency Political and Economic Revolution in the 19th Century Philippines by Jonathan Fast and Jim Richardson.
I've learned a lot and all of them relevant and useful. In the arguments that followed I realized that as much I want to try to pretend the other side is human, comments like these. "The RH bill is devil-inspired pure and simple. It's made in hell." (reproductive health bill)
What is the point of bringing overwhelming force to the Anti-RHB people? The sooner the polarization begins the sooner the fanatics can be out of their shells and be identified for what they are.
There are a large amount of normal people in any given group. Normal people who would rather keep their opinions quiet, agonstic, are just there to maintain appearances. I also know there are people their who are all about appearances. When fanaticism erupts from the mouths of these people we need someone there to point out the emperor doesn't have any clothes.
I posted the link on Critical Thinking on their wall. I'm curious to think that no one will read it, or those who want to defeat my arguments would TRY to read it... but it seems like they won't.
Which is entirely weird: if they don't then they are admitting to themselves as close/narrow minded people that cannot be reasoned with, if they do then they will have to conceed undefendable points which will eventually lead to looking at the matter "critically".
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