I could be doing something more relevant
I am suffering work procrastination, because of the continual negative association with the teacher and the subject matter. I find the game theory aspect more interesting and relevant but I am forced to look at it in a perspective that is old, out dated, and made to fit into a box. Procrastination in my situation is caused by lack of an attainable goal with a definite pay off to me. School is supposed to give a pay off through the education and discovery, but stale and disinterested teachers are common obstacles. making a subject matter, Interesting is not hard. GMing requires me to to make something Interesting and attractive to players, but the psychological sleight of hand is that The GM doesn't make things interesting, it is the players who create the interesting paradox. They do this through their own impulses unrestrained by conventional reality. Students are quite the same. The world taken from the multiple perspectives of an audience creates a formula of shifting dynamic ra...