
Showing posts from October, 2009

I could be doing something more relevant

I am suffering work procrastination, because of the continual negative association with the teacher and the subject matter. I find the game theory aspect more interesting and relevant but I am forced to look at it in a perspective that is old, out dated, and made to fit into a box. Procrastination in my situation is caused by lack of an attainable goal with a definite pay off to me. School is supposed to give a pay off through the education and discovery, but stale and disinterested teachers are common obstacles. making a subject matter, Interesting is not hard. GMing requires me to to make something Interesting and attractive to players, but the psychological sleight of hand is that The GM doesn't make things interesting, it is the players who create the interesting paradox. They do this through their own impulses unrestrained by conventional reality. Students are quite the same. The world taken from the multiple perspectives of an audience creates a formula of shifting dynamic ra...

What is a Scholarly Journal?

After following Pharyngula, I SHOULD have an Idea by now. I even went as far as posting the entire definition in our Egroups to compare to my *cough*professor*cough* in Entrep Org definition. In her words the definitions is: her repeatedly emphasizing "Scholarly Journal"! By the way she's been shooting down the journal recommendation I want to write about, she doesn't seem to have the same idea as those found by more credible academic institutions. I've been particularly interested in how Game Theory applies to entrepreneurial organization. But Since I've been spouting names she's never heard of Like Schelling and Neuman she's been shooting it down before I could even explain the relationship. Yes, I do Love the Philippine Educational System... Filled with crackpots who have tenure, steeped with close minded superstition and irrationality. This is not the first time I will meet such crack pots, and it will not be the last. It basically makes me think t...

Blogging for almost 6 years prevents me from twittering or facebooking

Sibs - Well I added my sibs to my facebook. I just now realized they are pretty active, after almost 2 years of not seeing or hearing from them (except for gaspar who I talk to). Face Book and Twitter - There is nothing for me to say that I wouldnt rather say in my blog where 6 years of my personal thoughts and history can be found. I'll probably use it to contact people who i don't have cel phone no. or emails of. Anyway, what am I gonna say? I'm a flaming Atheist over and over again... thats pretty much what comes to mind when I'm being asked about something to say... other than gaming stuff. Rambling - I can't ramble when it is something I very much prefer to minimize miscommunication and max out over all impact. I hate having to fill 2 pages about something that doesnt really matter- welcome back to school. Strange how in business you keep ideas straight to the point, but in school certain professors don't seem to know how you could fill those 2 pages. Lo...

I'm fatter but still like myself

I'm 170lbs, thats 40lbs more than before I got married. yeah these cheeks are getting rounder and my jaw line is getting smoother. Anyway, i cant help but not hate the weight except for the inconvenience in movement. (Ugg -1DX) Sitting and reading more does have a physical consequence, until I figure out a way to hook up my laptop to the TV in the Gym and watch my Game Theory lessons I bought. I don't mind the change of body image cause I like being much smarter than I used to be. learning perpetually and juggling it all is pretty hard and I can either choose to work out or relax. I choose to eat and be merry. I know my pants are getting more uncomofortable and i should be getting ready for the big Kami Wars meet BUT I don't know. So much has happened and so much work is to be done. I'm here at almost 2AM blogging because when I get stressed I break out in Gaming Stats Calculations. Yeah, thats totally Hard Wired GMing in my system. Stress triggers panic and like some...

Accounting problems

A problem too difficult for the participant means that there are TOO many things the participant needs to learn before answering the problem. This is highly inefficient and a real waste of time. Instead of building a foundational knowledge one step at a time, the tendency is to throw a puzzle without clear direction of how to proceed. This is a problem in teaching here in the Philippines. The quality of the education is so lacking that this basic principle is often the problem with the teaching method. I've learned how to learn, and I can identify several problems in the book that needs an accounting background to answer. Especially when The major quiz I just took maintains that the topics are from Chapters 1-3 when it has a Cash flow problem which requires me to study chapters 1-14!!! That is plain stupid. If the problems that are supposed to take Chapters 1-3 require me to answer with knowledge contained in half the entire book to practice and understand (chapters 1-14) then what...

Counter Strike and Studies Balance

We played around an hour and a half of Counter Strike last night with the misus. It is an awesome couple game, I will point out again. Again, the ability to take initiative, to think on one's feet and to carry out a plan of attack is what makes it pretty fun cooperative game. In the course of play, we notice we have the most fun when we are being frustrated by the enemy together. When, just before, I would just curse and swear all by myself now I have my wife doing it with me. The challenge is also more fun when we have each other to rely on instead of the stupid AI. Winning continuously without challenge, in one particular stage, proved to boring. there was not as much cooperation involved because the challenge was not demanding a more coordination and thinking. After the game, we have something to talk about. My wife was very much laughably outraged when I tried to do the debriefing system my friend would start after each airsoft game. I told her, it was important to identify wha...

My Political Stance Updated

As of the Debate, last week Villar- proved disappointing. His excuses or "fast talk" tactics are reminiscent of the old school politicians that don't fly in the face of today's more empowered and educated population. Good thing I had a chance to know now that to make a mistake as I cast my vote. What riles me about his "fast talk" is that I've actually dealt with people who talk just like that. They fill the conversation with off-topic mish-mash and skirt the point. Escudero- Good answers -I'll give him that. But current events, like his news apperance that "He will not announce right now that he will be running for president in light of the calamity" is oozing... dripping with sleazey political play. Going on the news to "Not announce" his bid for the presidency "in light of the calamity" is just plain disgusiting. It is an insult to the general intelligence of the audience and the voting public. His alliance with Er...

Example of things things you realize with Accounting

Wife: hallu Nikolas: hey babe, studying accounting Wife: wazups! feel free to ask me shit Wife: btw i talked to my offcmate accountants re cattle depreciation Wife: yeah, it doesn't exist! Nikolas: shit babe. need some? Wife: we agree that it's a crap problem Wife: need some what Nikolas: cattle depreciates, its arbitrary kaya isemantics yan Wife: Wife: i'm saying the auditors won't allow it. the auditors are the enforcers of the accounting law! there is a limit to arbitraryness Nikolas: so a carabao being used extensively, beyond its rules of thumb, cannot be depreciated? Wife: yes. Nikolas: wow, the only way I can actually create a accountable loss of asset is if I have a group of carrabous and cripple one as a loss of asset Nikolas: I can just attribute it to the work load and write it off as a loss/expense Wife: i think it is like supplies. you don't depreciate supplies, it's just there Wife: you expense it as your stock is reduced Nikolas...

Grad School and Annoying Classmates who think they are in High School

I had to do a presentation for work, for my bosses. It surprises me how the DLSU school system has pretty huge cracks of unprofessionalism. My wife tells me that in AIM its a Nerd Herd Jockeying Intellectual One-Ups-manship. Compared to my experience, in what should be Grad School in DLSU, i find "children" disrupting the proceedings. I know there are similiaries of psychology with school and work. Its quite simply a large gathering of people, and the same social traits reactions show up... unfortunately it seems that some people don't understand that some of us pay for our own tuition, work, have a family and have a life. I found my eyes rolling when classmates would interupt with jokes, instead of injecting probing questions about their own understanding of the subject matter. Its accounting after all, it has a lot to do with semantics, and semantics is a pretty tricky matter. Anyway here is an example of one of the Case Studies I had to read up on and answer (with ski...

Volunteer Work, The pragmatic side

The pragmatic side to being "good" is that you look out for your own. When I did volunteer work, it wasn't much about "helping" the needy and the poor. I'm the type to not give alms and acts of "kindness" aren't my thing these days. Back in the day, i believed in kindness and every little thing but science and a more mature approach towards problem solving made me aware of the "Object at Rest", "Vicious Cycles" and "Status Quos". I believe in humanism and compassion, but I work with it in a more pragmatic and level headed approach. It can be done, the way Arab Doctors in the Middle ages worked on both the science and the compassion. Its not a strange way of doing something, when you consider the historical precedent. It is just a more economic way of managing all those human impulses instead of taking on a "burden" and ensuring failure instead of success. Leaving nothing to prayer and chance, Atheistic Pr...

Typhoon Averted???

The Typhoon was estimated to hit its closes to manila by 2pm. Its 1:30pm now and from our view in the condo facing ortigas, to makati it seems ok. This report seems to confirm as it came out roughly at 1:30pm as well. Now that this is done, I have 2 obligations to choose from: volounteer work my business group mates. Will have to see where I can go first, but first lunch with my wife since both will require me to leave after 2 anyway.

RPGs and Learning: Accounting the Other Language

I've realized how much Accounting is more of a language than actually a kind of math. I find it closer to language because it is just so heavily laden with context and assumptions that makes it a severe challenge to learn. Compared to Learning About computers where you have a process and you learn every step of the process. Ex. When I learned 3d Graphics, there is a simple process to do anything. Every problem and exercise is meant for the student to repeat the process and react highlighting the finer points of the process. The tutorials come with step by step instruction, then have a sample excerise that requires you to repeat the process several times. So when I was supposed to learn to make a "spaceship" there were several key skills I had to get used to. Particularly modeling, skinning, basic animation, background construction etc. Modeling involved manipulating shapes and making sure everything was made up of square areas (to prevent artifacts that don't render w...