What is a Scholarly Journal?

After following Pharyngula, I SHOULD have an Idea by now. I even went as far as posting the entire definition in our Egroups to compare to my *cough*professor*cough* in Entrep Org definition.

In her words the definitions is: her repeatedly emphasizing "Scholarly Journal"!

By the way she's been shooting down the journal recommendation I want to write about, she doesn't seem to have the same idea as those found by more credible academic institutions.

I've been particularly interested in how Game Theory applies to entrepreneurial organization. But Since I've been spouting names she's never heard of Like Schelling and Neuman she's been shooting it down before I could even explain the relationship.

Yes, I do Love the Philippine Educational System... Filled with crackpots who have tenure, steeped with close minded superstition and irrationality. This is not the first time I will meet such crack pots, and it will not be the last. It basically makes me think the Master Degree in La Salle is worth CRAP if they intellectual integrity is allowed to be compromised by such irrational gradmas spouting fallacies, and uninformed opinions.

Its FREAKING masters! You shouldn't be able to BS your way through it... but apparently you can


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