Volunteer Work, The pragmatic side

The pragmatic side to being "good" is that you look out for your own. When I did volunteer work, it wasn't much about "helping" the needy and the poor. I'm the type to not give alms and acts of "kindness" aren't my thing these days.

Back in the day, i believed in kindness and every little thing but science and a more mature approach towards problem solving made me aware of the "Object at Rest", "Vicious Cycles" and "Status Quos".

I believe in humanism and compassion, but I work with it in a more pragmatic and level headed approach. It can be done, the way Arab Doctors in the Middle ages worked on both the science and the compassion. Its not a strange way of doing something, when you consider the historical precedent. It is just a more economic way of managing all those human impulses instead of taking on a "burden" and ensuring failure instead of success.

Leaving nothing to prayer and chance, Atheistic Pragmatism in bringing about order, peace, justice and comfort have a better success and rebound rates. It is the level of control, one can say control over one's "destiny" is what makes Atheism so attractive to driven.


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