My Political Stance Updated
As of the Debate, last week
Villar- proved disappointing. His excuses or "fast talk" tactics are reminiscent of the old school politicians that don't fly in the face of today's more empowered and educated population. Good thing I had a chance to know now that to make a mistake as I cast my vote.
What riles me about his "fast talk" is that I've actually dealt with people who talk just like that. They fill the conversation with off-topic mish-mash and skirt the point.
Escudero- Good answers -I'll give him that. But current events, like his news apperance that "He will not announce right now that he will be running for president in light of the calamity" is oozing... dripping with sleazey political play. Going on the news to "Not announce" his bid for the presidency "in light of the calamity" is just plain disgusiting. It is an insult to the general intelligence of the audience and the voting public.
His alliance with Erap and his Ambiguity when it comes to the, recently shot down, Reproductive Health Bill reeks of so much stink.
If someone like Gilbo can be more transparent and solid with his stance with regarding the RHB at the same time speak with the same intelligence (if not greater) why can't this spin doctor put his balls on the line and set a stance.
He has avoided being pinned down to the more KEY issues, and the track record regarding the substance of laws passed pales to that of even Villar and Gibo. He is just smoke and mirrors IMO. He hasn't poved any possession of any gonads or male sperm producing organs. I might as well call him a coward, and a person who hides behind pretty words.
Noynoy- Still an idiot. and proves more insulting to listen to than Escudero (which is not saying much, especially when you consider their resumes). His appearance and resume asks the civil and level headed mind to give him the benefit of the doubt (because they are all so poor) but listening to him speak... Ugghh. No please, the Philippine has fallen so far already, why do people think we can trade the future of our children for sweet promises, prayer and chance.
Gibo- He HAS a stance, he is clear and practical. He communicates effectively. Even more clearly than Spin Doctor Escudero, surprisingly. Overall, what is a HUGE negative for me is his political alleigance. The best I can hope for is that his deal with this devil doesn't last too long.
Villar- proved disappointing. His excuses or "fast talk" tactics are reminiscent of the old school politicians that don't fly in the face of today's more empowered and educated population. Good thing I had a chance to know now that to make a mistake as I cast my vote.
What riles me about his "fast talk" is that I've actually dealt with people who talk just like that. They fill the conversation with off-topic mish-mash and skirt the point.
Escudero- Good answers -I'll give him that. But current events, like his news apperance that "He will not announce right now that he will be running for president in light of the calamity" is oozing... dripping with sleazey political play. Going on the news to "Not announce" his bid for the presidency "in light of the calamity" is just plain disgusiting. It is an insult to the general intelligence of the audience and the voting public.
His alliance with Erap and his Ambiguity when it comes to the, recently shot down, Reproductive Health Bill reeks of so much stink.
If someone like Gilbo can be more transparent and solid with his stance with regarding the RHB at the same time speak with the same intelligence (if not greater) why can't this spin doctor put his balls on the line and set a stance.
He has avoided being pinned down to the more KEY issues, and the track record regarding the substance of laws passed pales to that of even Villar and Gibo. He is just smoke and mirrors IMO. He hasn't poved any possession of any gonads or male sperm producing organs. I might as well call him a coward, and a person who hides behind pretty words.
Noynoy- Still an idiot. and proves more insulting to listen to than Escudero (which is not saying much, especially when you consider their resumes). His appearance and resume asks the civil and level headed mind to give him the benefit of the doubt (because they are all so poor) but listening to him speak... Ugghh. No please, the Philippine has fallen so far already, why do people think we can trade the future of our children for sweet promises, prayer and chance.
Gibo- He HAS a stance, he is clear and practical. He communicates effectively. Even more clearly than Spin Doctor Escudero, surprisingly. Overall, what is a HUGE negative for me is his political alleigance. The best I can hope for is that his deal with this devil doesn't last too long.
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