On the matter of Faith
Mass Combat System . I haven't played a war game before. I've seen it played and it looks slow. I've seen it go fast a time or two, but its still too rare. RPG skirmishes can be fast, it really depends on the GM. I got some practice in my failed Epic FR game. It was an experience that slowly brought me to wanting to do historical medieval/ancient warfare. Mom Bought me some cheap chess piece sets. 5 sets, enough to make a small army and some military exercises with it. Now that I think of it, I should have asked for 10. I remember drawings of Kriegspiel used chess pieces to represent units. I don't exactly know by how it worked but chess pieces seem to make the most sense if I'm to use ambiguous units. I really want to play wargames but its really beyond my budget. I find myself staring at the hobby and comic stores, feeling much the same way I felt when i was a kid. Wondering, if I'll ever make enough of my own money to afford it down the list of my prior...